Comfort Zone - Part Two

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*Authors Note:

Part Two! Aka...the spicy smut part!

Anakin's POV:

As she pushed her hips against mine, her tongue swiped across my bottom lip. I gave her the entrance she wanted, the kiss intensifying. Both of her hands were now in my hair, tugging and pulling at the roots. I gripped her waist as I rolled us both, positioning myself comfortably on top of her and in between her legs. She sighed against my lips at the change in position.

A part of me wants to stop this, I only met this girl a few hours ago at a bar. This isn't something I do all the time or enjoy doing all the time. This is also something she has expressed she doesn't usually do either, which also makes it that little bit more exciting. It's bringing us both out of our comfort zones. I'm drawn to her, she's not just some girl I found in the bar for a quick hook up, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered spending the night getting to know her.

"Anakin." Y/N breathes out, pulling away.

"What is it?" I whisper, looking down at her.

She looks up at me and just stares at me for a moment, before reaching up and brushing a curl away from my eyes.

"Is this wrong?" She asks softly.

I look into her eyes, I can sense the anxiety within her.

"Well...usually I would think that. But with us, no." I answer, giving her a small smile.

She furrows her brows, tilting her head slightly.

"With us? What do you mean?" She questions.

"Well if you think about it, if I wanted to just bring you home and sleep with you and that's it, would I have bothered getting to know you tonight?" I asked, squinting my eyes in fear of thinking my question may have been abit harsh.

She bites her bottom lip as she stares back into my eyes.

"I guess not. So you plan on seeing me again then?" She asks.

I smile and nod, earning a smile back from her.

"Of course I do. I feel a real connection here, between us. I want to explore that, don't you?" I ask.

"Yes, I do." She smiles as she leans up to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

I smile into the kiss as my hands leisurely run up and down her hips.

As our kiss once again deepens, her legs come up and wrap around my waist, pulling me closer into her body. I break away from the kiss to kiss along her jawline, then make my way down her neck. I can feel the goosebumps forming on her skin under my fingertips on her waist from my touch, I smirk into her neck as I hear her let out a small whimper. Y/N rolls her hips up into mine which drew out a groan from me, this girl is driving me insane.

I pull away and she releases her legs from around my waist. Y/N reaches for the bottom of my shirt, her eyes never leaving mine as she pulls the shirt over my head, her eyes flicker down to my bare chest. Her hands following where her eyes go, my breath hitches in my throat from her soft delicate touch. I grab the bottom of her shirt and pull it over her head, leaving her top half bare, it's like realisation had hit her, her arms snapped up and she covered her chest.

"It's okay, I think you're beautiful, but if you don't want me to look, I won't look." I say in a whisper, rubbing one of her arms that was covering her chest.

What I expected to be a nervous response, instead she gave me a big soft smile.

"You really are something else." She says.

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