Training ~ Fluff

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I fell and smacked my head on the hard cold tiled floor beneath me, my Master, Obi-Wan stands over me raising his eyebrows.

"You're really off your game today, y/n. Didn't get enough sleep?" He queries.

I huff as I let my arms fall at my sides, looking up at him.

"I slept just fine, just warming up." I respond.

He smiles as he reaches out his hand for me to take, as my hand slips into his he pulls me up to my feet. Then spinning me around to asses the back of my head.

"You took a hard hit, are you sure you're alright?" He asks with a worried tone.

I smile at his caring nature.

"I'm fine, Master. Nothing some painkillers and meditation can't fix." I spin back around to look at him.

He sighs as he nods, walking over to put his lightsaber down.

"Maybe we should cut our training short today." He announces.

I pout as I put my lightsaber back onto my belt.

"What? We barely started, Master. I promise I am fine." I protest.

Obi-Wan sighs and shakes his head.

"If you insist on continuing, perhaps train with Anakin then. He should be here in a moment to commence his training anyway." He counter offers.

I roll my eyes, great. Training with the Chosen One, how thrilling. Obi-Wan can sense my annoyance.

"Look, I don't know why you two don't just get along but please try. Anakin can be abit much I know that but, he's also trying. You have my permission to leave if it gets too much for you." He explains putting his hand gently on my shoulder.

I nod as he walks away to walk out of the Training Room.

I sigh as I walk over and sit in the middle of the room on the floor. I might as well do a little bit of meditating while I wait for Anakin.

I close my eyes and shut out everything else around me and focus on my breathing. I was in a complete calm state, that is until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and looked up to see Anakin towering over me.

"Is it just me and you today?" He asks with furrowed brows.

"Yes" I sighed as I slowly got up to my feet.

Anakin nods as he slowly strolls around the room playing with his lightsaber.

"Alrighty then." Anakin says as he takes his stance, igniting his lightsaber.

I take my stance and ignite my saber, watching him intently to see if he'll make the first move. When it becomes evident that he's not going to move from his current position, I decide to take the first move and swing at his midsection.

He swiftly dodges my attack, whilst doing so, he lunges for my side that I also dodge.

For awhile it was just us two dodging each other, it was when our lightsabers actually started coming into contact with each other is when it started to get interesting. With one big hit, our lightsabers collided, both of us pushing against each other with all of our might. Sweat dripping down both of our foreheads as we both stare into each others eyes. I noticed a little twinkle in Anakin's eyes, which I used to my advantage and used my free hand to shove him using the force.

Anakin landed on his back on the floor, but unlike me, he didn't smack his head into the floor. He sat up and shot me a glare.

"What? Annoyed you just got flung by a girl?" I teased.

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