6. Eternal Darkness (1) Power Transmission Tower

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Was her wish coming true? Someone knocked on the door. She took slow steps to the front door to avoid falling.

"Who is it?"

"Hyosin Steel."

She had forgotten about it since B left. About selling the car and getting the gun.

When she opened the door, the junk shop owner stood there holding only a small shoebox-sized case. It took a few seconds to recognize him, even after he had trimmed his long white beard short.

"I brought what you ordered. I told the man before, but you can't find genuine ones. This one was made by a technician, so it's a bit crude. Can't help it."

He opened the box and showed her the item inside after she shone a light on it and examined it carefully. Then, she cautiously picked up the gun with one hand. It was black, cold, and heavy, just like the ones she had seen in old movies. However, she doubted whether it would function properly because of the parts wrapped in aluminum tape. But it didn't matter. She didn't need to aim and shoot someone. If she ever faced someone following her or encountered a dangerous situation, she just needed it to protect herself enough.

"How do you use it?"

She needed to know the method.

"You just slide the top part here to load it, aim at where you want to shoot, and pull the trigger. There are two bullets in it. It's also specially made, so you can't find it easily. You should use it sparingly."

It was disappointing to have exchanged her car for a gun for occasional use.

"Thank you."

She said as she hugged the box with the gun inside.

"A gun is a gun, but you should also prepare some food. There's a riot going on right now. People are hoarding, looting stores, breaking things... Ugh... The power transmission tower seems to have exploded over there in Youngindong. There might be a chance of recovery according to the radio I listened to, but you still need some food to survive! I'm saying this because you look like you might faint from hunger and fall down!"

His words sounded like a father worrying about his daughter.

"Yes, I will."

She said.

After he left, she pushed the box containing the gun into the corner of the living room.

After a few minutes of passing sirens, she opened the window again to check outside, and the fire near the power transmission tower had almost disappeared from view. Instead, acrid smoke came down the mountain and spread thickly to our house. She quickly closed the window because the breath she took through her nose was so pungent.

A text message came on her phone. It was from Do-hyeon. They had agreed to contact each other when they needed help, but now he needed her help.

"Hee-jae. Are you at home?"

"Yes. I'm home now."

She wanted to ask if he was okay, if the power outage was okay. There were so many questions she wanted to ask. But the message window showed "Typing," so she decided to wait for his next message.

"Can I come to your place now, Hee-jae?"

She couldn't know the reason.


She replied briefly.

Do-hyeon knocked on our door less than 10 minutes later. Even though it was dark, he had neatly arranged his disheveled hair before opening the door.

"Hee-jae, did you change your car?"

Do-hyeon asked as he put a large bag on the floor.

"No. Why?"

She asked, surprised. Do-hyeon hurriedly ran outside. She followed him.

"It's weird? There was a black car here when I came in. So, I thought you changed your car. Did someone come?"

There was only Do-hyeon's SUV in the front yard.

"Someone did come."

But the junk shop owner had left a long time ago. She was too cold, so she grabbed Do-hyeon's coat and entered the house.

"What's all this, Do-hyeon?"

She pointed to the bag he had brought. Do-hyeon opened the bag and took out emergency food such as water, chocolate, cereal, canned food, sterilized milk, and a palm-sized radio.

"The power went out suddenly, so I was worried about you, Hee-jae. You're already someone who doesn't eat much, so I thought you might just hide in your house... So, I brought some. I have a lot at home."

It was nice to hear that he was worried about her. It seemed like knowing someone's first concern meant something vaguely familiar to her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Do-hyeon replied with a smile, and his phone beeped with a low battery alert.

"Could you please give me your phone, Do-hyeon? I'll charge it for you. We have an emergency generator at home. You can also charge your car while you're here."

She connected his phone to the charging pad in the lab. With a short beep, the charging was completed, and she handed Do-hyeon his phone back.

"Really appreciate it, but that's all, Hee-jae. We don't know when the power will be restored. We need to save electricity. You should only use your car when you really need it."

"No. We agreed to help each other, didn't we? Right?"

Do-hyeon answered silently. It was quiet, as if everything had stopped. There was nothing to disturb the silence, not even the rustling of clothes, the movement of muscles, or the sound of breathing. Standing facing him in the darkness, she had nothing more to say. It felt like they would eventually reach this moment together.

Do-hyeon broke the long silence and spoke.



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