Part 2: Face To Face

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Billy Sighed
Billy: Jason When Did Trini Leave you?
Jason: In 2005, I was Traveling the world on my motorcycle and and doing karate tournaments, in hindsight i kinda lost sight of what was really important to me.
Zack: You never tried to make it right especially after we got the powers back?
Jason: Didn't have the heart too, she needed me there and I was never there. So we went our separate ways, even after our powers were restored and became rangers, we never really talked. Words can't describe how much it hurts me. *To Billy* How Do you know what happened?
Billy: She told me everything. *Begins to tell Trini's side of the story* Shortly after you two had Split, Jason, She found out she was pregnant. But She Gave birth to Twins, Selena, then Minh, She knew that the twins were yours, Jason, So she decided to do one of the hardest things in the whole world. Separate them. She left Selena with Jason because she wanted you to raise your biological Child. But She chose to raise Minh By herself. She was going to tell you all the truth when she felt the time was right. Sadly, She never got around to that. *To Selena* I would often ask Jason how you were doing, then i would tell Trini. It always brought a smile to her face, knowing you were out there doing well. She told me everything and asked to keep it a secret. Like I said, she wanted to tell you herself. Now you all know the truth.
Selena was so shocked She ran off. Minh Was Worried
Minh: I'll Check up on her.
Olivia: I'll go check on her. I think you guys need to have a family meeting.
Olivia went to check on Selena, Who was on the floor with her knees burried in her face, crying.
Olivia: You want to talk about what you're going through?
Selena: Like you can help.
Olivia used her wrist communicator.
Olivia: Hey Kat? Can you bring JJ to Cranston tech please?
Soon Kat and JJ arrived at the command center.
Olivia: Thanks Kat I'll take JJ back home.
Kat: Thanks Olivia *She leaves*
JJ Sees A crying Selena and his older sister and Quickly read the room.
JJ: You want to talk about it?
Selena: Like I said, You two can't help.
JJ: You know we were in a similar situation not to long ago?
Selena: Yeah right, Like your mom didn't separate you from your twin and not only kept it from her kids but from her ex-husband too.
Olivia and JJ Told here the events of the last story (Green with envy & White lies go check it out)
Selena: Dang, you two do know what i'm going through in a sense.
Olivia told her brother Billy's story about Trini.
JJ: She had her reasons, you may not agree with them, but she cares about you.
Olivia: And I think, She's Still regretting that Decision. and You have Minh to tell you Stories.
Selena: You think She wants me as a sister?
Olivia: Of course she does.
JJ: Who Knows, Maybe you could be a ranger like her.

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