Tweek was hearing all kinds of voice talking to him at once.

"Tweek, you don't look so hot..." He would hear Clyde say.

"A-are you okay?" Jimmy asked.

"Tweek, you need to say something." Tolkien said.

"Why are you so red?" Craig asked.

It felt like his ears were ringing and everyone was calling him name. It was felt like he couldn't stand, but he was. His body went numb.

Tweek didn't know how to react, he just stood there. It was like his body reacted on its own.

Soon, Tweek was looking at a puddle of his own puke on the ground.

It was almost like he had forgot all those bad feelings.


He couldn't walk straight, or think straight. He was lost in thought.

"I don't feel good.." Tweek mumbled.

"Well, no shit." Craig said in response.

He was rubbing Tweek's back, giving some form of comfort.

Clyde came over and started talking, it sounded as if he was talking too fast. Clyde and Craig talked, then he said something to Tweek who still was too "out of it" to understand.

Craig took his hand and led him outside toward Clyde's car, he brought Tweek over to the passenger seat and told him to sit.

He did as he was told.

Craig got in the driver's seat and started the car. Tweek slowly began to grasp his surroundings.

"What's happening?" Tweek asked.

"I'm bringing you home." Craig said.

Tweek got a shock of worry from this statement, what would his parents think?

"God..what am I gonna do?"


"I mean, I'm gonna get home and my parents will probably kill me if they don't sell me into slavery or something."

"Slavery ended like 400 years ago-"

"I know they have their best interests, but they don't realize how unhappy I genuinely am. It sucks because I am only on this earth to follow in their footsteps." Tweek began.

"I'm sorry." Tweek said.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm- I don't even know what I'm sorry for anymore. I can say sorry but that won't change anything and it'll all still be my fault. Everything is always put on me and made my fault."

"Maybe if I did this differently, or did that differently, then maybe I wouldn't be here right now."

"What if my parents put me back on the coffee?! What if I'm no longer trustworthy and I have to go to the psych ward?"

"What if they decide to kick me out? Or lock me in the attic? What if they take me to the hospital again, or-"

"You're making it sound like you're parents hate you." Craig interrupted.

"They don't.. Atleast I don't think they do." Tweek said.

"I mean, they kind of suck since they don't know the basic nesscessitys that children need. I was drinking coffee at 2 years old."

"Well, I guess you could come to my house tonight, and go home tomorrow."


"Sure, I mean, my parents don't give a shit and my little sister won't bother us since she has a friend over."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it, actually don't. Nobody would believe you any way."

Tweek chuckled at his comment.

This was going to be a long night.

☆Together☆ Creek (Craig x Tweek)Where stories live. Discover now