Chapter 7 "Are we frenemies or inlove?"

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As Jesse was getting ready he saw Jin outside. They were relaxing while watching the sunset. So Jesse went to see them and sat right next to them.

Jesse: say, I never got to ask you this but are you a girl or boy?

Jin: I was a girl.. but I became a boy. So trans.

Jesse: ah, I see. But why a boy?

Jin: well.. I always enjoyed hunting since it's part of the clan but only males can do it. So I became male, how? I got a little bit of magic.

Jesse: woah.. that's cool.

Jin: hm... You? What's your story?

Jesse: oh uhm.. I'm a mischievous person with my sister.. but I act nice so no one suspects me... I guess that's why my sis hates me.

Jin: that's.... Stupid of you doing that.

Jesse: ok, ok! I get it...

Jin: *chuckles* such an idiot..

Jesse: haha. I get it, don't be mean >:(

Jin was laughing as Jesse pouted. Jin leaned on Jesse's shoulder. Jesse let them, since he gets it their both tired.

They rest while experience the sunset, a slight blush showed on Jesse's face. Is it embarrassment or...

Whatever it is Jesse's face showed it. He kinda feels off but in a good way. He doesn't know if it's right or not. All he cared is he sees a wonderful "Friend" with him, relaxing before his trials.

To be continued...

Editors note: this is another filler :] because I'm writing this in a area I shouldn't be... Anyways I guess this is Jesse's ship now

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