Chapter 5: "Journey"

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Jesse went deep into the woods, he hopes to find the altar faster than 3 days. He walked, and walked, and walked which felt like forever.

Noghtime came and he set up a little camp. He felt really tired and sleepy, the only thing that's on his kind was how was his friends and sister. As he was wondering creepy noises surround the area.

Jesse finally realizes the noises and tries to react but then someone pounces him.


He grabs the closest object and slams them with it.

???: *hiss*

Jesse gets up and looks at the crowbar he used, it has blood on it.

???: what da hek! You don't need to hit me with a crowbar! That's animal abuse!


???: fine fine.. fair enough.. I'm lyde.

Jesse: Lyde? You mean, the elder's grandchild?

Lyde, is the guardian's grandchild. Their a luxurious family who protects and provides for the village. They can be harmful and demanding at times, but "rarely" they are nice people.

Jesse: well, what are you doing here, "chiefest"

Lyde: well, I saw what happened to your house and followed you here.

Jesse:I guess I should expect stealth from a cat.

Lyde: the question is, what are you doing in the woods?

Jesse: well you see..

Jesse explained to Lyde what happened and his mission to find the altar.

Lyde: very dangerous.. you could've died out here.

Jesse: I know.. but I need to save my friends.

Lyde: if anything your having a death wish.

Jesse: I get it.. yeah yeah..

Lyde: well, I would like to help you but I got "cheif" training to do tomorrow. Good luck then, see ya.

lyde walks away into the darkness. Jesse sat back down thinking to himself, "is this really worth it?" He shooks it off also thinking how could he say that. He feels like someone is trying to corrupt his brain.

Next day...

Jesse wakes up, he packed his things and walked off. He climbed hills, swam through swamps, and ran through forest. It felt like eternity but in reality it's only been a day (he met Lyde the same day he left)

Jesse: ugh.. when will this end?! I feel tired even though I get constant rest. He walked, ran, and swam still having hope in his eyes.

He then saw darkness.. he woke up in a cabin. A girl, knitting in her chair.

???: wow your awake.

Jesse: who.. are you?

Joey: I'm joey but call me Jin. You were found by the head counselor. You are suspected to be heading to Deaths altar hm? People just come out here to go there.

Jesse: wait am I in.. "Blums colony"?!

Jin: yup.

Jesse: aren't I an enemy?!

Jin: counselor has common sense. What is a teen supposed to do?

Jesse: make sense.. well Jin, do you know where the altar is....?

Jin: Yes but since your an outsider you need to pass trials to enter the altar sanctuary.

Jesse: WHAT?!

to be continued...

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