
"Hello pretty boy." Circe greets, jogging to catch up with the boy.

He is alone, meaning that the boys are already having breakfast or are still up in their dorm. Knowing that James won't have gotten a wink of sleep the night before his big date, Circe assumes it's the former. "Hello Circe." Remus replies, his face flushing slightly as he takes in her appearance. "You look nice."

"I must say, you are looking rather spectacular yourself." She flirts, hungrily licking her lips as she scans him up and down, not missing the fact that they are matching colours. He is wearing a red jumper, which is tight around his biceps, a black t-shirt underneath and a loose pair black jeans. "So where will you be taking me on this fine day?"

"Anywhere you want. I presume you'll want to have a good look around, seeing as it's your first time." He offers, nervously shoving his hands in his pockets. Her words to James yesterday flash through his head. "But I have a good idea of the shops you might like, so we can go there first. If you'd like, that is."

"That sounds like a good idea. I guess we'll find out how well you know me." She teases, practically skipping into the hall in excitement.

"Hey Circe." Sirius greets as she approaches the group with Remus trailing in behind her. "Remus it's been so long since I last saw you." He jokes.

"Trolls." She says, pausing a little when she notices he said the sandy haired boy's name. Only then does she realise who she is sitting down next to. The ginger haired girl turns to face Circe with a polite smile on her face. "And you must be Lily, right? I'm Circe Darkwood, it's nice to properly meet you."

"You too." Lily replies, a kind smile on her face as she shakes Circe's out stretched hand.

"James never shuts up about you." The brunette says, immediately throwing her friend under the bus. Lily looks at her amused, knowing full well that her statement is true. "And I can see why."

"Circe!" James screams, giving the girl a swift kick underneath the table but she doesn't react. His face is panicked as he looks at their other friends for assistance. "Stop trying to scare her off!"

"Don't worry." Circe assures the worried boy, wrapping an arm around the ginger girl's side. "I can already tell that me and Lily are going to be great friends." She's referencing the vision she had yesterday, where she was Lily's maid of honour at the future couple's wedding. Of course none of them know what she is talking about so they all give her questioning glances.

Before any of them could reply, Filch comes limping into the hall with a sour look on his face. Circe's face pales when she sees the sore looking cat scratch on his cheek. "Looks like he got too handsy with Mrs Norris." Sirius jokes.

Remus turns around, the memories from last night suddenly returning to him. "Merlin." He sniggers, it quickly developing into a booming laughter. The boy clutches his stomach and slams his fist into the table and tears start streaming down his face as he continues laughing at Circe's expense.

"What are you laughing at? His joke wasn't that funny." James questions.


Circe glares daggers at Remus but he pays no mind as he continues chuckling to himself. "It's not funny!" The boy can't even respond as his mind shows him the image of the black cat struggling in Flich's hands. He tries to speak but every time he tries he bursts into another fit of laughter. "Don't you dare." She hisses.

"It wasn't Mrs Norris that scratched Filch. He took quite a shine to a certain black cat last night and picked her up to admire her but she obviously didn't like that." Remus finally manages to say.

The other three boys begin howling with laughter, whilst Circe looks like she is going to kill them all and then herself. Lily, unaware that it was Circe, turns to Remus who is finally calming down. "Was that the same cat I saw? She seemed so gentle to me and had no complaints when I picked her up."

James face drops into one of horror, whilst Sirius' laughter only increases. "That's probably because you have a gentler touch than Filch." Circe suggests, trying to hide her mischievous smile. "Have you seen the way he manhandles his own cat."

"Maybe you're right." Lily hums softly.

James swiftly interrupts their conversation. "So where are you two going?" He asks Circe and Remus.

"I was thinking about taking Circe to the record shop first." The boy says, his eyes flickering over to the brunette in search of her approval.

She presses her hands into his cheeks and smushes up his face. "Aww pretty boy! You do know me." Circe coos, causing his face to flush at her sudden touch. "Maybe by the end of the date you can get to know my body as well." She purrs, giving his a coy grin.

Lily chokes on her food when she hears this, obviously never having seen Circe's flirtatiousness towards Remus. The boy himself, deciding not to let himself become overly flustered like he usually does, flirts back. "Maybe, if you behave yourself."

Circe shivers upon hearing his commanding tone, her back straightening. "Yes sir."

"Stop it!" James screams, trying to shield his precious Lily-flower away from the scene. However the ginger is finding this incredibly amusing, also never having seen Remus flirt with anyone. "It's funny when it's Circe making you flustered but when you flirt back it's like we're watching some kind of porno."

The brunette sticks her middle finger up at him and whispers over to Remus to pay him no mind. His caramel eyes scan over her face, not missing the light blush taking over her cheeks- to her credit she is playing it off very well. The thought of her genuinely liking him sweeps through his mind but he quickly shakes those thoughts away. No one could ever find him attractive, he is unlovable. "I apologise Lily, for apparently scarring you for life." His voice is dripping with sarcasm.

"It's okay." She chuckles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Out of all of the marauders, she is the closest to Remus. The two of them share a passion for learning and a lot of the same classes, as well as being prefects. Despite this, she is used to seeing him being reserved and often creating an invisible barrier between those who approach him- so it is quite unusual for her to see him to open and snarky. "I actually quite like seeing this side of you." At first she had felt embarrassed that she had begun to return James' feelings- having turned him down a countless amount of times. Over time she grew to accept it but she still had some reservations about him and his whole group but seeing how they managed to not only accept the standoffish new girl but also get Remus to open up, it makes her feel kind of foolish. Perhaps James had never been as bad as she had made him out to be and her friendship with Severus had only clouded her vision. It was, after all, hers and the Slytherin's friendship ending that caused her to see him in a new light.

"Don't eat too much pretty boy, I want you to still be hungry later." Circe says, brushing her hand through his hair gently.

He shakes his head, making direct eye contact with the brunette. "I'm always hungry." He tells her but something in his tone tells Circe that he isn't talking about food- causing her to grin.

After they had finished eating, Remus and Circe are the first to leave hall. The girl drags the boy out by his arm, an amused smile plastered on his face as he follows her every whim.

"And you're telling me that they aren't dating?" Lily asks her date. James shakes his head. "But they have slept together, right?"

"Nope." The messy haired boy replies, popping the p. "Not for lack of trying on Circe's part."

A/n Lily is finally making a bigger appearance!

I'm trying to build up Circe's and the marauders friendship a bit more but there are definitely going to be a lot more Remus and Circe scenes in the next few chapters.

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