"Noted." He kissed the tip of my nose, both of my cheeks, my forehead, and finally landing on my lips. "I have to go to the rink. I love you, and I hope you have fun tonight with the girls." He said, before kissing me again and grabbing his keys.

"I love you, good luck tonight." I said, as he walked out the door. As it closed I sighed, looking at the mess I made. It didn't take too long to hang everything back up into the closet, and by now I only had an hour to do my hair, makeup, and try to eat something. I sped through getting ready, and had about 15 minutes left to find something. I ate a couple chips before putting touching up my lipstick, and finding the right heels to wear. I found a sparkly pair that weren't too high and grabbed them, putting my converse on to drive in. I got my purse and put my jacket on too before leaving the hotel. It didn't take long to get to the rink, about 15 minutes longer then the Irvine arena, plus no fan traffic which made it easier. I parked and headed into the arena, trying to find my way around. I knocked on the closed door when I finally found the box, hearing some women's voices from inside.

"Hi! You must be Jamie's girlfriend!" One girl said as she answered the door excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm Skyler." I said, trying to smile and not be awkward, or mask the nerves and anxiety I was feeling.

"I'm Dani, Troy Terry's girlfriend, I'm going to be like your big sister." She said, now wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm Paige, Ryan's wife, it's so nice to meet you!" Another woman said. My nerves were already disappearing, they seemed super welcoming, more like a family than the AHL girls did.

"It's nice to meet you too!" I said happily.

"You can put your stuff and sit wherever you'd like, front row of the box if you wish since it's your guys first game!" Dani said, she linked her arm with mine. She lead me to the seats, going to the front row.

"Sky, there's food over here too if you want some!" Another woman whose name I didn't know yet said.

"Honestly, I'm too nervous to eat right now." I said, laughing awkwardly.

"That's okay sweetie, we all were. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" Paige asked me.

"I'm 18." I answered.

"Oh you're just a baby!" A couple of the girls squealed.

"Don't worry, we're going to take good care of you, and teach you everything." Another girl said.

"Oh here we go rookie lap time!" Dani squealed, still holding onto my arm as we sat down. Jamie came onto the ice alone, no helmet and his hair (which needed a trim) flowing in the wind behind him. I covered my mouth with my hands, overly excited to see him on NHL ice. He looked so pretty and handsome on the ice, the biggest smile on his face. A couple of the girls surrounded me, putting their hands on my shoulders and squeezed as I watched him skate around. Half an hour later and the game started, every time Jamie got on the ice I had a mini heart attack, my legs were bouncing up and down and my breathing sped up. At one point I even looked at my apple watch to see what my heart rate was at...122 was the highest it spiked. 

"Okay, Sky come over here we're taking a photo!" One of the girls who's name I haven't been able to catch yet called over to me as the first intermission started. I tried to stand off to the side, since I didn't really know anyone yet.

"Oh Skyler get in the middle, it's your guys big day!" Paige said, and they all moved me into the front middle of the group. We all smiled and took the pictures.

"Okay, now that we're all back in person we can finally do our matching jackets for this season." Cassidy, Sam Steel's girlfriend said. "Do we wanna go jean jackets or leather this year?"

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