Reverse Au (1)

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Warning: mild 'swears' + Actual ones :D + Writing mistakes that I didn't see when looking over it.


"BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" Sabre hissed. Rainbow grabs Sabre's hair and bashes his head into a table.

"Alright stupid." Rainbow drags him outside. "RAINBOWWWWWW" Sabre screeches. "OuT" Rainbow screams, throwing Sabre at the ground of the rainbow hub.

"I told you to stop yelling bored 5 minutes ago!" Rainbow yells. Gerald looks over with confusion.

"You never told me to stop!" Sabre yelled back. Gerald walked over to Sabre and plopped down next to him.

Rainbow thinks for a moment. "Well too bad!" Rainbow yells shutting the door. Sabre pushes Gerald away from him and walks out. Gerald follows quickly behind. 

"Leave you stupid pig." Sabre walks up the mountains of the rainbow hub. "Son of a..."

After an hour of boredom and one fores fire Sabre found himself at this lake. "Stupid Rainbow-" 

"Couldn't even come up with a thing to do..." Sabre kicked on of the rocks near him. He looked up at the lake and took a deep breath. 

Not to far stood a Yellow Steve. Sabre squinted, it wasn't any old Yellow Steve. "I guess I'm no longer bored." Sabre smiled. 

Sabre inched closer.

He had paperwork. This wasn't going to be as fun as Sabre had hoped.

Sabre slowly crept up behind him.


The Yellow Assistant simply looked up at him and rolled his eyes before continuing with the paperwork.

"The fu-? Why are you NOT scared?" Sabre hissed. He shrugs. "You're not scary" Yellow bops Sabre's nose. "Just a big puppy"

Sabre stood there in shock.  "Excuse me?" Sabre mumbled. Yellow smiles and grabs the collar of his shirt and threw him into the water.

"You BIT-"

"No-no, you're not aloud to swear, this is a kids friendly zone" Yellow Assistant says, Sabre cups some water and aims for the paper work.

It misses.

"Are you done?" He asks. Sabre slowly nods. "Do you want to come out of the water?" He continues. Sabre shakes his head and sits down in the cold water.

"What brings you here?" 

"Boredom." Sabre answers. "Rainbow wouldn't entertain me at all- not a single thing we could do. He was: taking a mental health day. Or something..." Sabre mumbled, struggling to stay seated in the water. Rainbow was just planning for the next move but he cont

"If you were bored why didn't you just- read? Or go talk to another friend?" The Yellow Assistant asked, setting the papers in a bag. 

"I don't have other friends... What- are you leaving?" Sabre asked placing his arms on the ground at shore. "Yeah. I have to get back to my king, he'll worry for me if I'm gone to long..."

Sabre reached up and lightly grabbed his arm. "Can- can you stay a little longer? please...?" Yellow Assistant sits down and smiles. "Sure, what do you want to talk about?" 

For 15 minutes Sabre talked about cheese

"Yeah- Mold is so weird- like, that makes cheese MORE good?" The Yellow Assistant says. At this time, the two were looking up at the clouds above them and had their feet in the water. Yellow Assistant sits up and stretches. "I have to go now, but thanks for the chat :>"

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