Chapter 31: Conclusion of an Era

Start from the beginning

While Dawn has to take time to analyze and register the information...when Author skill takes control, everything processes instantly.

This is the very peak of what the current unique skill : Author can do.

Luna : I'm really going to lose at this rate, heh...

Getting up with shaking legs, Luna narrowed her eyes when Dawn's body seemed something had changed again in him.

Dawn : (I'm back, huh...ugh, my body hurt like hell...anyway, what happened ? Did I really change the ending ?)

Author skill has been fighting totally ignoring the pain so now he had the entire rawback of the 8 minutes and 21 seconds of pain since he left.

Still, Dawn checked around...the fight was going as it was written, the part he changed as yet to come...

Dawn : (Wlel at least, my mind is clear...)

Rising his bloodied blade, one attack...this has to end now or it will never.

Dawn : (I understand more about my skills now...i can do it.)

His gray eyes started to shine rainbow...using everything he had to end this.

Dawn : So that's what the world really looks like...

[Author POV], one of the true abilities of unique skill : isn't like Read as Author POV doesn't analyze.

It's more like everything reveals itself to you...the world becomes information and what he thinks is instantly answered.

Dawn : I can feel it...this skill is truly out of this world.

He smiled seemingly in trance, this power would surely evolve into Omniscience one day but will that day ever come ?

Probably not because...Dawn is still human, the mere fact of activating the skill already drained him to his mental limit.
Yet he couldn't's like an addiction.

Dawn : Yeah...i can win this (This part...this is where I should collapse not being able to hold this power before dying, but now i feel i can do it...)

Looking down, Luna for the first time showed a scared expression...she raised her arm preparing multiple barriers but all of them shattered before they could even appear.

Luna : That's...

Dawn : [True rewrite].

The completed version of Rewrite...when there was limitation with Achieved and Unachieved Rewrite...Dawn couldn't feel it now.

With a smile, Dawn pointed his sword toward Luna and charged forward...

This True rewrite...didn't exist, it's an attack that could only exist because the ending changed...

Luna : Don't underestimate me ! It seems my skills and magic are useless now...then i'll just have to find a counter to your counter !

Her voice was filled with her anger....those overwhelming emotions led her roar reach the heaven.

In that single moment, the impossible became possible.

VOTW : (Forced evolution...;successful, individual Luna awakened Hero egg, evolution into True hero...successful, all resistance will be increased, physical and spiritual bod-=

Luna : Who cares about that ! Give me a skill to finish this

VOTW : (Acquisition of unique skill : Copyright, successful, the evolution will temporarily be paused.)

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now