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Chapter 9: Are you lonely?

"'Oh God', you whisper, closing your eyes as pain sweeps your body.
Something inside you is broken.
Everything inside you is broken."

The moon laughed at him, at his pain

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The moon laughed at him, at his pain. The starts did, too, with more reason as they had a light of their own. They were free, unlike him.

He wasn't the light but the shadow always present when the former appeared. Behind the scenes, Minho had always been the shadow of every other kid in the orphanage. Cursed with a title he took upon himself.

Now, it weighed on his shoulders more than what he could take.

Jisung was leaving tomorrow morning. In the span of a day, they had grown awfully apart. It was Minho's fault, he had to run away whenever his eyes found the sad looking figure of his best friend, afraid of crying in front of the boy once again. He should be happy for Jisung, yet he found it impossible.

That night, he sneaked out again to the garden. He went to the tree and lied down, but he had no more tears left to cry so he just stared at the starred sky.

It didn't feel comforting tonight.

Yet his mind calmed down significantly, enough not to notice a person lying down next to him until they wrapped their arms around him in a side hug.

Minho limply hugged back as best as he could. "You'll call me every day, right?" he asked.

Jisung nodded against his shoulder. A bit hesitant if Minho were to say so.

"I'm gonna miss you a lot." Minho confessed with a sad smile dancing on his lips. He turned his body to face his silent best friend.

"I'm sorry." was the answer he received.

He thought it meant that Jisung wouldn't miss him, and he saw it fit in his own conception of himself. He was a shadow and Jisung was the brightest light he had ever met. No one misses a shadow, no one misses darkness; most of the time, no one even notices it's there.

Everyone is too focused on the light to reckon the sad little shadow behind it. Light was too busy shining brightly to notice its sad little companion behind it.


My unmoving eyes are fixated on the ceiling of my room. Seungmin is asleep next to me, has been for a while. His calm breathing told me so.

Again, I can't sleep. Insomnia isn't something regular, just a Saturday night thing, which is pretty annoying considering Sunday is the day I work both mornings and evenings.

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