Chapter 3 - Etiquette

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Benedict smiles at this. "Who said we would be alone?"

Katherine averts her gaze and resumes her ministrations on Edith's hair. "You should go!" Edith says, turning to Katherine, causing her to fix Edith with the fiercest stare she has ever seen, "...if you wish."

"I do not particularly relish horseback riding. However, you know who does? My sister, Camila," Katherine remarks as if struck by a revelation.

"We do not have to ride horses. Maybe you would fancy a stroll, with a chaperone of course," Benedict suggested with a courteous tone.

Katherine's eyes widened in surprise, realizing that he had overheard their previous conversation.

"I will have to get back to you on that. I believe you should like to go now. Edith and I were just about to talk of our monthly bleeding," Katherine said, nodding her head.

Both Edith and Benedict made faces of disgust, looking away from Katherine, unsure where to direct their gaze.

"My apologies. I will leave you two be. Ms. Worthington, we will be friends," Benedict said, finally walking away.

Katherine forced a smile at him, scrunching her nose. As he walked out of her view, her smile quickly dropped, and she went back to braiding Edith's hair. They sat in tense silence before Edith spoke up.

"I do not understand. Benedict is a perfect suitor. He has a decent look, his family is wealthy, and your families do business together. Why do you not want to court with him?" Edith inquired.

"He is not meant for me. He is meant to be with Camila. I do not understand why he is still trying to win my heart. It does not belong to him," Katherine replied with a hint of frustration.

"If someone were to look at me the way he looks at you..." Edith trailed off.

"Edith, I do not know how to explain it. I just simply do not feel anything for him," Katherine tried to explain as she began to braid Edith's second braid.

Some time passes. After running errands for his father, Benedict decides to take a break and spend some time in one of the town's most popular parks. He sits against a beautiful tree that provides shade as he reads a book assigned by Professor Giles. Meanwhile, Camila is also taking a stroll in the park with her mother. Camila and Katherine often accompany their mother to the park as she loves to gossip with other mothers. However, this time, Katherine decided to stay home. Could it be because of her interaction with Benedict yesterday? Camila knows nothing of their interaction. She walks in the sun with an umbrella protecting her from the sun when she spots Benedict from a distance. Excitedly, she hurries over to the tree where he is sitting.

"Benedict! I mean Lord Ackerley, how are you?" Camila asks with a bright smile.

"I am fine. I should be asking you that question," Benedict responds. Camila laughs as she takes a seat next to him, placing her umbrella beside her. "How is your leg?" He asks, lightly brushing his hand over her ankle, sending shivers down Camila's spine.

"It is fine, thank you. I have been gracefully healing since you tended to it. I appreciate your kindness that day," Camila says.

"Of course, it is not a problem," Benedict replies, returning to his reading.

"It is a lovely day, is it not?" Camila says, trying to keep the conversation alive.

Benedict replies with a simple, "Yes," and looks back down at his book.

There is a moment of silence while Camila tries to think of something else to say. "I plan to pick strawberries with my sister later."

This catches Benedict's attention. "Really? Would you mind if I joined the two of you?"

"Of course not! It would be a pleasure for you to come."

"Lovely-" Benedict begins but is cut off by Camila.

"But my sister and I tend to do that just between the two of us. Our parents allow us to be without a chaperone, so it is a great time for us to catch up. Maybe you and I could go strawberry picking on our own accord?"

"Oh, I understand. I will certainly consider it. Thank you, Kath—Camila," Benedict says.

Camila nods her head with a forced smile. She gets up, and as soon as her back is turned to Benedict, her facial expression turns to sadness. 

As Camila walks away, Benedict watches her with a furrowed brow, sensing a shift in her demeanor. Unsure of what transpired, he closes his book and decides to follow her, determined to uncover the cause of her sudden change in mood.

"Ms. Worthington," Benedict calls out as he catches up to her.

Camila stops in her tracks, turning to face him with a forced smile. "Yes, Lord Ackerley? Is there something else you require?"

Benedict studies her carefully, noting the strain in her voice and the tension in her posture. "Forgive me if I am overstepping, but you seem troubled. Is there anything troubling you that I may assist with?"

Camila hesitates, uncertain whether to confide in him. After a moment's pause, she decides to speak her mind. "It is nothing of consequence, Lord Ackerley. Merely a passing thought that has clouded my spirits."

Benedict furrows his brow, unconvinced by her response. "If you are certain, Ms. Worthington. However, should you ever wish to unburden yourself, know that I am here to lend an ear."

Camila offers him a grateful smile, touched by his genuine concern. "Thank you, Lord Ackerley. Your kindness is truly appreciated."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Benedict bids her farewell and watches as she walks away, her figure diminishing in the distance. As he ponders their interaction, he can't shake the feeling that there is more to Camila's troubles than meets the eye.

Meanwhile, back at their London mansion, Katherine sits alone in her chamber, lost in thought. The events of the previous day with Benedict weigh heavily on her mind, stirring up conflicting emotions within her. she is sitting at her desk, drawing images of anything she could think to distract herself from her thoughts of Benedict. Unfortunately, she coul not stop thinking of him, drawing after darwing she would keep replaying the conversation they had today. He weights so heavily on her mind that she abset mindedly begins to draw his face in great detail.

"Katherine," a voice calls out, interrupting her reverie.

Startled, Katherine looks up to see her father standing in the doorway, a concerned expression on his face. "Yes, father?"

"Is everything alright, my dear? I did not mean to startle you," her father inquires, stepping into the room.

Katherine offers her mother a reassuring smile, though her inner turmoil remains unresolved. "I am well, father. Merely lost in thought, that is all."

Her father studies her for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Very well, my dear. You have mother has been calling you for quite some time."

"Oh my apologies," Katherine replies, as she stands and heads out her door. "Yes, mama!" She says has she heads down stairs.

As her father remains in her chamber, he walks over to her desk to inspect Katherine's drawing. He has always admired her artistic abilities, especially considering his ownership of the esteemed Worthington Clothing Company. While examining her work, he notices a crumpled-up piece of paper nearby and, out of curiosity, decides to take a look. To his surprise, he discovers an impeccable drawing of Benedict's face. Initially taken aback, a smile slowly spreads across his face. The notion of Katherine being linked with a gentleman like Benedict fills him with joy and sparks a new idea within him.

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