Beautiful Pain

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Shivering, I woke up from the coldness of the room , which only signified that Dante wasn't in bed with me anymore.

I sighed and lifted my head to see if my assumption was true, and indeed it was .
Getting up , I went to the bathroom and brushed my mouth which still tasted like what he shoved in my mouth.

I stared at myself in the mirror, eyes swollen from relentless crying. Dark circles had taken residence beneath my eyes, and eye bags formed, signs of the toll Dante's actions had taken on me. My once vibrant hands appeared pale and lifeless. The Elena who had once thrived on Dante's love was now a distant memory.

Continuing to brush my teeth, lost in my thoughts, I pulled out a bloody toothbrush, realizing the physical toll of my distress. Self-blame surged within me, regretting not running away with Isaac when the opportunity presented itself.

As I cried, a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Quickly composing myself, I opened the door to find Mercy. Excitement overcame me, and I hugged her.

“Mercy!” I exclaimed , Excitement overcame me, and I hugged her.

“How are you doing? I just wanted to check up on you and see that you are fine.”

“I'm fine, thank you, Mercy. Please don't address me as 'your highness' ,  Ele or Elena will do.”

Mercy protested, but I insisted, holding her shoulder. "I insist."

Something seemed to worry Mercy, and I noticed. "Is everything okay?"

“Actually... I was just worried about you. Everything just doesn't seem right. You don't deserve this,” Mercy said, giving me a faint smile.

“Everything happens for a reason. Right now, there's nothing I can do about it,” I replied.

“You are such a strong woman.”

I hugged Mercy and said, “Please get back to serving Antonia. I don't want you to get into trouble.”

Mercy bowed and left.

Feeling empty, I filled up the bathtub with bubble bath and relaxing candles. Sitting inside, soaking away my sorrows, I drifted away in my own world.

Suddenly, I felt hands gripped my neck tight, pushing me into the tub. Struggling to break free, I tried to scream, but my head was under water , only bubbles formed. I started to fade away , was this the end of me.

Everything started to blur out and the last thing I heard was the sound of two objects colliding echoing through the bathroom.

I tried to open my heavy eyelids and wondered were I was , raising from where I was laying my head felt like it was used in a drumming ceremony. And when I looked at my surroundings, everything was familiar.

I was in Mercy's room. Trying to get up the door opened to reveal Mercy coming I with a tray of soup and some tea.

“ Your majesty, ” she bowed “ you are finally awake, you have been unconscious for five hours. The doctor said you had low blood pressure,  fatigue and stress but you will be fine.”

Five hours? I don't even remembered what had transpeared. All I remember was Antonia trying to drown me.

Turning to where she sat besides me I questioned her , “ but how did I get here?”

Mercy had explained that she was about to return to the bathroom after she met me and heard bubbling sounds and Antonia cursing.

She attacked immediately and hit the back of Antonia's head with a vase she found , forcing Antonia to let go of me and fall to the ground.

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