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A scene of destruction hidden away within the lush forests, away from the eyes of the mundane.

Pillars of smoke towered up above, raging flames devoured everything in the near vicinity. Piles of rubble could be seen around, all of which were painted with white.

Multiple bodies littered the area, some were adults who wore lab coats and vests, and the rest were children, no younger than 4 nor older than 16, who donned white hospital gowns.

Among the dead, two teenagers lay beside each other, the last ones alive in this strange place. Both fatally injured.

The young man looked straight at the clear sky, the sunset giving it an orange hue. His golden hazel eyes were non-blinking and foggy, his brown hair wet from excessive sweat and dirtied from dust and blood. His face was stoic as ever, hiding the mind-numbing pain he felt. His clothes were identical to the other children's, but much more tainted with crimson.

"We really are..." he murmured monotonously, "the worst of humanity." His voice was nearly inaudible due to the fire's crackling.

The scarlet-haired girl beside him, winced slightly, her pain tolerance was unnaturally high, yet what she has accumulated was nothing to scoff at. Her usual twin tails were nowhere to be seen, her hair scattered messily, and a pained grin plastered on her beautiful face.

"Indeed…we are…"

Her throat strained as she spoke, she purposely tried to speak in a seductive tone like she usually does, yet it only came out as if she was gasping for air. How pitiful, she thought.

"It is time for us to rest."

He has lived all his life restrained and caged, his emotions dwindled as each day passed. Love, anger, hate, sadness, all of which he has not felt for so long that he would've been unaware of which is which if he ever felt one.

The only thing that ever remained was... curiosity. Overwhelming curiosity.
What was the outside world like?
What does ice cream taste like?
What was love?

His mind was always filled with numerous questions, things that were never taught by the instructors nor were written in the countless books he has read.

He was cunning, he was intelligent, and he was strong. And yet, the only thing that he wishes to pursue is his own curiosity, nothing more.

He rejected his father’s plans, his path was set in stone, and he was meant to rule his country.
It was not what not he wanted, he had no ambition, no hopes nor dreams, he only lived to live. Nothing more.

And so, he took the hand of the kind and gentle old man, an opportunity of a lifetime for someone like them.

He was truly grateful. He experience numerous events at his new home. He experienced what having friends were like, he had a group named after him, it was quite ridiculous, but great nonetheless.
And he, himself, broke it.

Did they hate him for what he has done? Probably so.
Did he regret his actions? Not in the slightest.

It was the correct choice, the logical choice. If the group broke up, that man wouldn't involve them as they weren't close to him. They wouldn't get hurt, he could've sacrificed them, but he did not, after all, he did change, even if it was ever-so-slightly.

And now he was here, quite a predicament from an outsider's view, but not so much for him. He could've won unscathed, and yet, he chose the outcome where he would die.


Why does he wish to disappear?

The 2 years he had outside was more than enough.
The world of the mundane, it was...blissful.

His curiosity has been quenched. He only wishes to rest.

He dropped out of ANSH before he could finish his 2nd year. Informing no one, not even his girlfriend, he simply vanished into thin air with two other students.

One of them, beside him.
And the other, an identifiable corpse among the rest.


She took one final breath, as her eyes slowly closed.

"Good night, Ichika."

For the first time, he spoke her first name, though the girl did not hear it nor she ever will, of course.

With no one else left besides him, he felt the loneliness for the the very last time, the cackling of the flames singing around him.

Death. It was nearing, it was so, so close. He could feel it, his organs failing one by one, the heat leaving his body as seconds pass. Oxygen intake depleting slowly but surely.

It was a matter of time.

A small thought bubbled inside him, a longing to go with someone to the other side, anyone would do. As he didn't want to go alone, he was tired of being alone all this time.

He was born alone, lived alone, and now, would die alone.

A small chuckle escaped his lips, something he never imagined he could do, what a ridiculous thing to think about, he immediately dismissed it and silently waited for his end.

And with that, the "Worst of Humanity" would die, forgotten in the sands of time, forgotten by history and... forgotten from the memories of those who they've meet.

Or so everybody would have thought.

Everything went according to his plan.
[You have been registered to the Throne of Heroes]
[Gained the hidden attribute "Star"]
[Gained the skill "Pioneer of the Stars"]

So...first post.
Please drop some criticism to help me improve as well as any errors or flaws you saw in the chaps so I may change it.
This one was stuck in my drafts since a year ago (roughly).

And Do comment on what you would like to read next time, I'm currently taking in suggestions for one-shot crossovers.

Crossover: Fate Franchise

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