Chapter two wake up wake up..

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I was in the middle of a battle between orcs and elves I pulled out my sword as I kept fighting against them I was bleeding from my arms and legs as well as my chest there were too many of them but I didn't give up I kept slashing and slashing I certainly got a weird text in front of my face saying your time is up I made a weird face at it as I was shocked instantly everything gone dark then I awoke.

I looked around as I slowly remembered my memory started flooding in and I quickly started to panic if something injected me with his wrench I quickly found my back it was some sort of calming drug I got out of the cryogenic pod as I looked around everything was covered with grass bark and other things it was overgrown.

"Wait a minute that finally ends...huh, I thought I would still be in space and must have hit a planet..." I said to myself as I got up.

I started to look around for anything but all I could find was my old stuff a space nano suit a highly concentrated plasma rifle and my old armor I put all of it on as I made sure that this place had oxygen when I stopped for the fact that I can breathe right now.

I slowly walked up to the door and kicked it making the door fly off as well as plans and other things I looked around it was beautiful everything was like a forest feels like going on for miles I looked towards the middle of the great biomes and saw a city with lights... I then thought to myself then put it out.

"Did I time travel or something.?" I asked myself as I started to walk down but then things started getting weirder things started glitching then I saw the truth... Everything was metallic to read the roads the fields everything was the machine I hid the long strokes of binding metal pipes and cubes I looked towards what was going by as I heard it it was some sort of truck and a few cars as well They were driving towards the city..... Its architecture and look were amazing but there was no organic life to see I started to walk along the road secretly hiding behind the cubes and pipes toxic gas shooting out of them and oxygen as well.

I looked around as I walked the outskirts were filled with some sort of factories they were spraying what looked like toxic gases.

I continued to walk eventually reaching a large fence that looked like it was electrical I decided to try to overload it as I connected to my nail suit only a few places were short-circuited As I ripped through the fence and slowly climbed outside I would then suddenly fall onto a concrete floor knocking myself out.


Meanwhile a different part of the city.

(POV Kayla)

I was trying to recharge my batteries as I let my arms sit on the recharger as my mom was yelling for my name


My mom said as I quickly got up and started walking out of my room of course disconnecting the recharger in the process.

"I'm coming Mom I'm coming I'll be right there"

I eventually went downstairs and I started helping my mom with the groceries sorting them and taking them out of the stasis cubes.


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