Jazz? Y/n assumed. He was starting to be sold on this cafe. Still, who names a cafe like this?

Y/n took a picture of the cafe and sent it to their group chat. Mizuki immediately saw it, and texted him, "YOU ASS! WHY DIDN'T YOU INVITE ME?! Wait up!"

Y/n didn't bother answering her text message and went inside. As if the smell wasn't good enough from the outside, it was even better when he entered. The scent of freshly roasted beans hit him full blast, and he couldn't help but smile because of it. Everyone inside was quiet, and the music playing helped him relax. The cafe had a heater, too! He could finally remove his jacket.

And a plus? There were no spirits inside here. Usually, those things could get in anywhere they want. The KFC they ate at a few days ago did have a single one dancing on the counter, but it was small enough to ignore.

Although, it was weird that there were talismans on the walls.

Those look... really authentic, Y/n thought while squinting his eyes at them.

When the barista heard the doorbell ring, he stepped out of a room behind the counter and faced Y/n with a big, hearty smile as he approached him and said, "Welcome, welcome! Good afternoon to you."

Huh, this guy looks scary, Y/n thought. He expected the barista to look like one of those aesthetic boys on the internet, but what met his sights was the complete opposite.

He was probably quite old, evident from the wrinkles and creases on his face. His age wasn't what caught his attention, though, but how rough and muscular the man's appearance was. He had a scar that started from his right brow down to the bride of his nose, for god's sake!

Y/n found himself wondering if he was a yakuza. Or maybe he just got into a bad street fight? Yeah, that was probably the reason.

The man fixed the hair tie that held his long, graying hair into a man bun, raising a brow at the teen who seemingly froze up, "Hello?"

Y/n, realizing he had been staring, blinked himself a few times out of his stupor, "Ah, sorry about that. Good afternoon, too. Could I get a table?"

"Of course!" the man said with a hearty laugh. "Right this way!"

For someone who looked like he could snap anyone in half, his jolly energy was contagious. He finally understood why Mizuki kept telling him that the barista was kind. Well, there is a saying not to judge a book by its cover.

Y/n was led to a table for four since he told the barista that he was waiting on a few people. He assumed Jack would be there, too, since Mizuki always dragged either of them with her.

Y/n looked at the menu he held in hand, scanning the contents of it. It was separated into four parts: coffee, non-coffee, tea, and desserts. While he wasn't the biggest coffee lover, he did drink once in a while. At first, he wanted to get the hot chocolate that they had to offer, but he settled on getting a latte macchiato instead.

Approaching the counter, Y/n called for the attention of the barista, who rolled up his white button up's sleeves and whipped out a pen and paper to write down the former's order, "Could I get a macchiato and... a chocolate croissant?"

The younger male couldn't help but notice that the barista had more scars on his muscular forearms and that his hands were littered with calluses. There were also patches of his scruffy beard missing, and there were more scars on those spots.

"Anything else?" the barista, who he now knew was Sadamori from his nametag, looked up from the paper.

"Uh, no, that's all."

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