Feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks in the heat of the moment, I take few steps back.

And for the first ever a curiosity is planted in my chest, and I know its just a matter of time before I will realise these unspoken feelings, these unspoken familiarity that I'm not able to detect. And when I'll finally nurture them I would question myself once again if its just a phase of attraction or not.

Flashback over

As our teacher finally announces all the details about the upcoming educational trip, my eyes unwillingly draws back to the devil sitting in the corner most seat.

Feeling the magnetic pull as I finally turn my head to look at him, only to find his gaze already fixedupon me, with a smirk on his lips and a knowing look in his eyes.

Startled and caught off guard, my heart skips a beat, and a jumbled mess of emotions overtakes me. Time seems to stand still as our eyes lock for a fleeting moment, sending an electric current surging through my veins.

My once confident eyes swiftly avert their gaze, darting downward to the notepad in a desperate attempt to appear composed.

But in reality I'm feeling anything but composed.

"You know you look pretty cute when you are a flustered mess " He says, amusement blaring his words.

I try to ignore him, trying to focus on whatever the teacher is saying.

Yeah ignore him as much as you can.

As the lecture finally draws to a close, my heart pounds a little faster in my chest, torn between the longing to linger a little longer and the fear of further embarrassment.

With a final glance in his direction, my eyes meet his briefly before I hurriedly gather all my belongings, evading his gaze as I make my way towards the exit, my steps both eager and hesitant, leaving behind unanswered questions and an indescribable connection that I can't seem to ignore anymore.



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☆Arhaan's pov☆

And if you're thinking of me, I'm probably thinking of you.

Even though her eyes are looking at something else, the red hue on her cheeks state's that she is thinking about our earlier incident.

A memory too fresh, a memory too deep ingraved in my mind.

I was soo close, soo close to finally get what I always wanted, needed, something which I always craved for, desired for.

When she looked at me like that, I felt it. An ache, like an electric burn tingling my skin, my whole body.

I was soo close to taste the beginning of my chaos. Soo close to finally have that single chance of worshipping her.

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