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    Looking at the trees go by I wish everything could go by like that and be forgotten, never to be returned to again. Changing or moving to a new country makes no difference but I can't tell them that cause I know how much efforts they've put into this to help me forget and move on but it's not that easy.

A lot of people see me and call me blessed because of how beautiful I am, not that I'm conceited or anything, it's just the truth. They call it a blessing and honestly I used to see it as one too but now it's a curse, a huge one that I can't do anything about.

Who would've thought that what I was so proud of showing to the world would turn out to make me feel ashamed. Beauty, the one thing every girl wants and strive for, some even go as far as plastic surgery but in my case I have it but the problem is I don't want it anymore and there's nothing I can do about it so I'll just have to suck it up.

"Pristine dear we're here".

My mum calls me snapping me out of my thoughts and pulling my attention to our new home, it's huge, it's classy, it screams wealth, something that everyone wants but then again everyone but me, I sound so ungrateful.

"Do you want to take a tour of the house or just find your room and rest for the rest of the day?" Mum asks asks.

"It's fine, I think I'll just rest for the day". My voice sounds so strange and weird mostly due to the fact that I don't speak much like I used to anymore.

"Ok kiddo, go rest, your things would be dropped off in your room later". Dad says.

"Thanks dad". And with that I went inside the house, more like mansion, to look for my room but who am I kidding, where am I supposed to start from?.

"We knew something like this was gonna happen so we came to help".

I turned back facing my brothers who were also coming in. I talked about how beautiful I am, true, but have you met my brothers? Jeez if I wasn't their sister I'd be dating the both of them, one because they're identical and two because it's double package.

"You're right, I have no idea where to start from". I chuckled lightly, even that sounded wierd.

"No problem, we're always at your service". Prudence says.

Prudence is the first out of the three of us and then there's Prince who came three minutes after and then there's me who also came three minutes after, my mum's a strong woman, I don't know if I can handle pushing three children on the same day with just three minutes intervals.

"Shall we?". Prince says gesturing towards the stairs for us to follow.

After walking up the stairs we found ourselves in the middle of a very beautiful and wide hallway with different doors and another set of stairs but we knew our rooms were on this floor because of the three doors that were lined next to each other with our names written on them in cursive writing.

"Well, that wasn't hard to find, as usual we're always next to each other. I bet mum and dad does this because of how scared Prudence gets whenever he has a nightmare, at least we're close to him for a midnight cuddle". Prince says earning a jab from Prudnce elbow to his stomach making them both to laugh.

Laughter, something I haven't done in almost four months, I've tried really hard but I think my happy bone broke after that incident.

My brothers noticed I wasn't in on their joke and stopped laughing giving me those pity eyes that I hate so much, it makes me remember and feel weak.

"Well since we've found our rooms I'll get going now, see you guys at dinner". I gave them a small wave and entered my room which was in between theirs.

I entered my room and sat down on the queen sized bed in the middle and looked around the room, it was modestly large and spacious, it was painted white, giving the room a bright look, there was a light pink rug in the middle made of fur and also a walk in closet, luckily for me my room had a balcony, then there was another door to my right which I'm guessing is the bathroom, I'll check it later but all in all the room was nice.


I don't remember when I slept off but when I woke up it was already dark outside and I noticed that my belongings were here already, they must have brought it while I was sleeping. I went to take a quick shower finally seeing what the bathroom looks like and trust me I wasn't dissapointed at all, it had a tub, a jacuzzi and a shower stand, good money.

I was drying my hair after my shower when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in".

Prince opened it looking round my room. "Nice room sis." He said smiling at me. I tried to smile back.


"Mum said you should come down for dinner".

"Okay I'll be down soon".

Then he left.


Chapter one done and dusted!What are your thoughts?!

I know it's still early but who wants to guess what incident made them move and to a whole new country?! Jeeeeezzzz😕

As the book goes on I'll try describing the characters and what you're supposed to imagine them as but for now, imagine the most beautiful girl and you've got Pristine, hehe😅



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