She's so light, like a soft delicate feather, beautiful, I love her so much. I carry her up the stairs, being quiet so her landlord doesn't see me, damn he's annoying, it's like he's her father, pffft, makes me laugh just thinking about how he treats her like a child, when she's obviously a grown woman I mean, doesn't he see these curves? her sexy body? she's grown, definitely. 

I open her door, which was surprisingly unlocked, I hear moans and groans coming from her roommates room, looks like she beat us here. If I want to stay here with Y/N, Lucy has to go, but right now isn't the time, she has to be alone, or Y/N will obviously suspect me. 

I lay her down gently on her bed, I admire her revealing outfit for a little,  What was she thinking? going to a party wearing this? what kind of ' friend ' is Lucy? making tired little Y/N go to a party? what a shithead of a friend.

I plug her charger into the wall and attach it to her phone, I power on her phone and put her password in. it's the most easiest password. ' 6682 ' , I've seen her unlock it many times.

I put my number into her phone and put a heart next to my name, I'll check it tommorrow, if it's changed, i'll change it back, if it's not, she loves me back! I kiss her on the forehead and make my way back to my car, driving away to my house far far away from the city.

---- CURRENT TIME ----

Shit, she's onto me, what kind of fucking insane am i to just drive to her house? i didn't even ask her, if i did, she wouldn't suspect this, now she knows i'm a stalker, I need to change her suspiciousness, i've left her on read, she's probably mad, or on the phone with TK, atleast that's what i can see and hear, everything.

I close the security camera tab, and stop the recording, I play it, a video of her changing, I blush, but - it's making anger boil up inside me, realising she's getting changed whilst on the phone with TK, that green haired bitch, they obviously want Y/N, that's not going to happen, I play the video once more, as soon as  I could feel my pants tighten, I knew it was time, to pay my little Y/N a visit.

I close my computer and walk out into the living room, heading for the exit, I need to find the perfect time to get here, right here where she is meant to be, the only thing stopping me is Lucy, and TK and her fucking nosy landlord, oh and her boss, but don't worry, i'll finish them off.

I drive to the city and park in a nearby spot, I watch Y/N as she walks to a cafe, she's probably going out for something to eat, preferably ( pastry ), It's her favourite.

I enter the cafe and instantly spot her, she's reading a book, I sit down next to her. "Hello Stranger."



" Alright TK, yeah - see you tomorrow." I groan, hanging up the phone and putting it back on charge, my mind completely blank and gone about Peter, I decide it'll be nice to go for a brunch, by myself.

I dress myself in a nice shirt and some shorts that don't make my ass show a lot  and my favourite shoes, I walk down the road and stop at a cute shop named "Candies Coffee" I walked in to the smell of delicious pastries and attention drawing coffees, I ordered a ( PASTRY ) and a     ( DRINK) , I sat myself down at a two seat table, put my bag on the side, pulled out a book and started to read.

As I took a bite of my ( pastry ), I heard someone sit down next to me. " Hey stranger. " they said, I looked up from my book to see Peter, his smile making butterflies flutter in my stomach, how can a man look this - shut up Y/N, stop reading romance books.

" Oh hey Peter, would you like to join me?" I ask, chewing on my food. "No it's alright, I saw you through the window and thought this would be a good opportunity to ask you a question." He scratched his elbow whilst shyly looking down. "What is it?" 

"I know we only met like last night, but i'm pretty into you, you know? I mean look at you, you're absolutely gorgeous, other than me, but i'd like to ask you on a small lunch date? is that okay? or are you too busy? that's fine if you have work or other plans or a date with someone else, it's just i'm attracted to you and I should probably shut my mouth now." He said nervously, putting his hands between his legs.

"Peter, ofcourse i'll go on a date with you, and don't say stuff like that, you're handsome, don't say you're not" I reply, placing my hand on his after he put it on the table. " You mean it?" Peter said blushing. "Yes peter, I'll meet you here tomorrow at 4AM, i'll be there since i'll walk from work." Peter just nodded and ran out, walking into the suit store?.

-- -- - - - - tomorrow at 3:54 pm -- - - -- - - 

"Soo, this fella you met yesterday is taking you out on a date?" TK asked, sipping their milkshake. "Yeah, I know it's quick, but you know how bad I am with guys, and i've been lonely for a while." I say back, fidgeting with my fingers. "Hello? i'm standing right here" They say, laughing. "I just want someone to love me, do you get it? like a boyfriend, i've never got to experience stuff like that."  TK looked sad, they nodded and walked away, putting their empty cup in the sink and going off to take orders/cook.

I look on my phone at the time, i've got about 6 minutes, luckily I brought spare clothes, i'll go clock out for lunch now.

I walk into the bathroom and change, same as yesterday, decent clothes - shirt and shorts, but a little fancier.

I clock out for lunch and walk over to the cafe, I see nobody but old couples inside, Is he gonna stand me up? I sit down at a table, playing wordscapes to pass the time.

ten minutes fly by and i'm still sitting here, 15 minutes till I have my next shift, where is he? Just then the door to the cafe rang, Peter burst through the doors, looking around the cafe panting, has he just gone for a run? he's all suited up, better looking than me. he see's me and smiles, he skips over to me and sits down.

"So, 4:10, you're late Peter, I was starting to think you'd stand me up." I say, not looking at him. "I'm so sorry darling, I went to get something for you." Darling? that's new. "Oh what is it?" I ask, he pulls out a box from his bag, handing it to me, it was the most gorgeous flower i'd ever seen, inside the box, he'd cut the thorns off so I wouldn't get pricked, and he even tied a pretty bow around it. "How did you know that this was my favourite flower!" I squeal looking at him. "It suits you" He said nervously.

"Alright, let's order!" Peter said, grabbing the menu.

"Wait peter." I say.


"How did you know my address?"


1982 words btw
proud of myself :3

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