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" it's Peter, Nice to meet you Y/N " 

- small nsfw :>> ( no smut )

He extended his hand out to shake it, I gladly accepted. " So what brings you here ?" he asked, taking a sip of his red cup. " My friend Lucy, she loves going to parties, so I thought i'd go." I reply. " Oh alright. " He said. I felt drowsy, I pulled out my phone to text TK, but it was dead. "Shit." I say, trying to power on my phone. " What's wrong? " Peter asked. " My phones dead, I'm supposed to go." I say, putting hair behind my ear.

"It's fine, i'll take you home, it's nothing. " He offered with a smile. " Are you sure you're not a serial killer or kidnapper? or stalker?" He paused, like, - looking through me. " No no no, i'm not any of those, i'm just a regular citizen!" "Ok then, i'll take you up on  that offer." 

On the way to the exit , with my shitty ass drunk self, drank five more drinks before going home with peter.

- burp - " than- " - hiccup - "thank you for t-taking me home" I slur, lying in the passenger seat of his car. "No worries." He said, those were the last words I heard before passing out in his seat.

- - - - -- MORNING - - -- - - 

"Ughh, Fuck, My head" I groan, rubbing my forehead, I look beside me to my alarm. !7:32AM! it read, I mentally punch myself, what was I thinking? going to a party on a work night, I slowly get myself out of bed, then walk over to the bathroom, I turn on the faucet and splash a handful of water on my face, waking me up.

I look into the mirror and my jaw drops to the floor as I realise. "How the fuck did Peter know where  I lived?"

A shiver was sent down my spine, I didn't tell him where to go last night, maybe he's seen me go in or out? maybe I told him? who knows but - Ow! shit , Fucking hangover headache. Ugh, this is driving me cra- 


I recieved a message on my phone, I walk out of the bathroom confused to see it charging on my nightstand .. "what in the ass?" I pick up my phone and unlocking, clicking on my message app to see a new text under the name of " Peter💞"  That's weird, I don't remember getting his number, or did I, ugh - i can never remember jack shit when i'm drunk, also, why is their a heart next to his name?


- Hey Y/N, it's peter from last night.

How did you get my number?

- You don't remember giving it to me?

Oh i did? sorry, I was so drunk.

- Yeah, You passed out on my front seat.

Speaking of that, how did you know where I lived?

Read - 7:38AM  

Piece of shit, leaving me on read, something is def wrong here.


Another text, from ... TK!?  shit,  I forgot about them, they were supposed to drive me home last night, Their probably worried sick or pissed that I didn't message, or mad that I ditched him and went home with a guy, which I didn't but I did? it makes zero sense, anyways where were we? 

Because i'm lazy, I call them.

"Heyyy TK, how are youu.. Oh - uh stop crying - i can't hear you.. "


She's passed out, she's so pretty when she's asleep, even though i've seen her many times asleep, but when she's with me on purpose, it feels even better. I drive to her house, going slow over bumps and around corners not to jolt her awake, I pull into the carpark, parking close to the doors, I stop the car, open my door  - walk around to the side and lift her out.

𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 (YOUR BOYFRIEND GAME)Where stories live. Discover now