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"She's so mad at me. What do I do?" Blake Corrum complained to me over the phone. Blake is dating my childhood best friend Victoria Schmer. They met when Michigan went to Alabama a couple years ago for an away game, and they have been inseparable ever since. I've talked to him over the phone when he has went to visit her, but the first time I had talked to him in person was when I transferred to Michigan and had a class with him.

"Well what did you do?" I ask him, knowing that Victoria never just gets mad for no reason.

"I think it's because I went to a party and didn't call her when I got home. But in my defense I was really tired and had an early morning practice the next day." He defends himself.

"Listen I think I would be better help if I saw you in person when are you free?" I ask him over the phone as I walk to my photography class. I start to take in my scenery and look around, it's so obvious that fall is here and I love it.

"Are you going to JJ's party tonight? I'll be there." He tells me confidently.

"Yea I'll- shit!" I yell as someone bumps my shoulder and my phone drops to the ground. But so does the other person's... I guess we both weren't looking where we were going.

"Sorry." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to meet eyes with Luke Hughes. "Oh, it's just you." He laughs. He bends down to pick up my phone for me and notices I'm on the phone with Blake. He hands me my phone back and starts walking away. He didn't even bother to say bye.

I clear my phone, kind of upset, and get out the sentence I was saying before I was interrupted, "Yea I'll be there. We can talk there."

"Great. Talk to you then."

"Yea, see ya." And then I hang up the phone and walk into the building where my photography class is held.


I went to JJ McCarthy's party alone. Daphne and Ethan went on a date tonight that Daphne told me "she could not cancel" so I'm guessing something big is happening. Maybe he's asking her to be his girlfriend? I'm not too sure.

JJ's house was packed, and as soon as I walk in, I take out my phone and call Blake. As the phone is ringing I walk around looking for him and bump into him again. But this time he has a girl all over him. For some reason, I'm jealous, which I never am. I don't know why this is effecting me, because it's not like we are dating or anything.

"On the phone with your boyfriend?" He asks me, my eyes widen. That's why he has been weird lately he thought me and Blake were dating.

"What? No! Luke-" Blake's timing is impeccable because at that very moment he appears. Luke rolls his eyes and keeps walking with the girl right beside him. Shit.

"Can you help me or what?" Blake asks. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I hate you." I groan with a slight laugh. He explains the situation to me, which I give him some pretty good advice back.

"Listen, you need to talk to her and just explain the situation to her. Tell her you are very sorry for your immature ways, and then Venmo her money or send her a gift or something. She likes that stuff." I shrug walking off to find Luke and explain everything to him.

I catch him sitting on the stairs talking to some girl with a beer in his hand. "Can I talk to you?" I ask him looking between him and the girl. The girl looks at him frantically and he gives her a little head nod telling her to go.

"What do you want?" He asks me annoyed as I take the girls seat.

"I want to know why you're mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." He rolls his eyes.

"Yes you are. It's so unbelievably obvious." I laugh slightly.

"It's Blake. Why are you so close with him?" He finally spills the truth.

"Blake has a girlfriend. He's dating one of my childhood best friends. I just help him whenever they are fighting." I shrug.

"Is that the truth?" He questions.

"Truth." I stick out my pinky to show him I'm not lying.

"I don't do that shit." He laughs shaking his head.

"Tonight you will. Wrap your pinky around mine now. I'm being serious, Luke." He reluctantly wraps his pinky around mine and we shake on it. I think it secretly reassured him. But he will never admit it.

"Want to get out of here?" I ask standing up and turning towards him.

"Yea. I do." He takes my hand and we walk out the front door. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." I smirk.

We walk for 20 more minutes until we enter the public ice rink. "I've never skated here before. Have you?"

"Nope. But I want to learn how to skate. Here these look like they'd fit." I shove random skates I found lying around and he puts them on no questions asked. I put on a pair of size 7's I found and we step onto the ice together.

"This was your big plan?" He jokes.

"This is like a date. It's just too bad I had to be the one to initiate it." I joke back.

"Trust me this isn't a date. I'll take you out on a real one soon." He winks at me. Luke lets go of my hand and begins to free skate, basically just showing off. Mean while I fall on my butt.

"Help me up dipshit. I don't know how to skate."

"You don't know how to skate?" He sounds surprised. Like it's some type of immorality. Like it's a rare disease.

"I grew up in Alabama. There's not much ice there. But I was hoping you could teach me how to skate." He looks down at me with longing eyes.

"I'll do whatever you need me to do, Georgia." He stares into my soul as he says this. It's like he's letting me know that I'm the only girl he wants to be with right now. And it's reassuring. I needed it.


Boring I know. But I had nothing to write really. So sorry to all of you guys, I know you've been wanting a good chapter. Promise the next one will be good! But it will take some time I got school and sports! Okay that's it! Love you!

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