Part two.

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"There have been signs of a previous miscarriage. I'm sorry."

The doctor keeps talking but I don't listen, I stare blankly at him, my brain uncapeable of handling anymore information.

"I was pregnant?" I speak, but i don't recognise my own voice anymore.

The doctor gives me a sorry look before continuing. "Yes, I'm sorry. I thought you were aware." He says awkwardly, backing out of the room, walking away.

"I killed my baby?" I breathe out, voice barely above a whisper. I feel Finnick's hold tighten around me. It wasn't his. It was some Capitol citizens, I haven't ever slept with Finnick. He must be mad.

I choke out a sob and turn away from Finnick. Unable to look at his face any longer. "I killed my baby!" I cry as I lean my head into the side of the bed.

"Aimee-" I hear Finnick start to say but I cut him off in between sobs.

"GET OUT!" I yell at him as the tears fall from my face, I can't breathe. I feel him slip away from me and stand there for a moment, as if deciding what to say to me. "I SAID GET OUT!" I screech at him, throwing the cup of water that's laying on the desk next to me. I just need to be alone.

He complies and rushes out of the room. I break down in sobs.


I wake up to a knocking on my door, I must have passed out from all of the crying. "Go away." I try to shout but it comes out just above a whisper, my voice hoarse from crying.

The door opens anyway and I see my Aunt's head peek out from behind the door. "Aimee? What's wrong?" She asks, rushing towards me, concerned as she sees my tear stained face. Finnick must not have told them.

I just break out in sobs again as she kneels on the side of my bed and envelops me in a tight hug. She whispers soothing words in my ear until I calm down, to the point where there are no tears left.

"Aimee, what happened?" She pulls back and holds me by my shoulders, staring directly into my eyes. "Was it Finnick? I'll kill him." She asks and threatens the boy completely seriously.

I shake my head furiously at the thought. "Aunt cash i-" I start to say but my voice breaks and she pulls me back into a hug.

"Shh, take your time." She whispers into my ear as I lean into her shoulder.

"I killed my baby." I cry into her shoulder and she freezes, but I cannot stop the tears from flowing.

"Oh Aimee," she starts to say as she leans pulls away from the hug once more, looking me in my eyes. "This is not your fault. It's Snow's." She attempts to reassure me as she moves my dark hair away from my face.

"I killed them." I cry into her shoulder as she pulls me back into the hug again.

"No you didn't, was it Finnick's?" She asks as I sob even more, shaking my head. "It's okay, I understand." She whispers and I just cry.


I must have fallen asleep because when I open my eyes the first thing I see is my Aunt sleeping peacefully in the chair next to my bed and my father sitting, reading a book at the other side.

Did she tell him?

"You're awake," he says quietly, careful not to disturb aunt cash. I turn my head to look at him tiredly and nod slightly. "Are you okay?" He asks concernedly and I smile weakly.

"Just tired. How was dinner?" I ask him, still trying to smile for him.

"It was good, Finnick's pretty upset though." He adds at the end and my face falls.

"He'll be mad at me." I shut my eyes and lean my head back, trying to distract myself.

"Honey, this was not your fault. He'll understand. Him more than anyone." He leans forward and grabs my hand.

I nod, the tears threatening to come back again as I see the look on his face.

"It's fine. We'll be fine." He says as I look down to my hands.


Short chapter because I cba xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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