Part one.

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Katniss and Finnick all run as fast as their feet can take them into the room containing the victors, looking around erratically when they hear Johanna trying to get the doctors away and rush over to her.

"Finnick!" I cry out as I see the man I love standing at the other side of the room. His eyes widen at the sight of me and I rip the pressure cuff off of my arm, struggling to get up.

"Aimee? Aimee. Aimee? Aimee!" He exclaims, as if in disbelief as we run towards eachother. I jump into his arms and place my forehead against his, sobbing.

"Your safe. Your safe, it's okay." He whispers to me and I pull him into a soft kiss, just grateful to be with him. I pull away and gasp for air.

He sets me down and I look around the room. "Where is-" I start to speak but I hear my fathers voice, yelling my name, from down the hallway.

More tears spill out my eyes as I come face to face with my dad. I run over to him and pull him into the tightest hug. His arms wrap around me like a reflex and I just sob.

"I thought I lost you forever." He whispers into the top of my head as we both sob. I have never seen my father cry before. I just sob even harder, to the point where I can't breathe. "They didn't tell me you were here- they still haven't told your aunt cash." He breathes out, trying to explain his lateness and I manage a small smile. She's okay.

I feel a sharp stinging pain in my stomach and wince. I pull away from my father, he looks at me confused. Upon seeing my infected wound his eyes widen and he picks me up, carrying me over to the hospital bed.

"Stay here. I'll get your aunt Cash to come see you, okay? Finnick will stay with you, you need to let the doctors take care of you." He mutters to me as he places me down, kissing the top of my head and Finnick sits down in the chair beside me.

I look around frantically as the man tries to stick an IV in my arm and struggle against him. He looks too much like the peacekeepers. "No." I keep repeating, moving, trying to get up again. A nurse then tries to move over to my stomach which I resist even more to. "Stop- no please!" I shout at them as Finnick grabs my hand, looking confused.

"Aimee? What's wrong?" He asks and I just look to him, my eyes filled with tears. "You have to let them help you. They're going to make you feel better." He says and I try to calm down a bit.

I shut my eyes and pretend I don't feel their hands touching me, pretend I'm not having flashbacks of the previous months.

After an agonising ten minutes of gripping Finnick's hand I feel someone lift up my gown. I immediatly snap my eyes open and scowl at the man, who places a towel over my legs and begins to bandage my stomach.

I see a blonde woman sprint into the room, yelling my name. "Aimee?! Aimee?" She yells repeatedly and I smile widely.

"Aunt cash!" I shout over from the opposite side of the room as her eyes land on me.

Her faces flashes with relief and she rushes towards me and wraps me in the tightest hug, letting out muffled sobs.

I wrap my arms around her, to the best of my abilities with the wires sticking out of me and just hold her as we both sob. "I -didn't know what happened to you." I cry out as I hug her tighter.

"Honey- what happened to you?" She cries out as she lets go of me and sees the bandage on my stomach, the bruises all around it, the bruises on my wrists.

I just look at hear with the tears in my eyes threatening to spill over. "It doesn't matter. I'm here now." I try my best to smile and she just looks at me, heartbroken.

It's fine. | Finnick Odair x Fem!Oc |Where stories live. Discover now