Chapter 3

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Hello fellow readers. Sorry for not posting in a while. School has been a lot these past few weeks. And with my schedule, I won't have as much time to write as I usually do. So here's the chapter. I will try and write a little at a time each day.

???'s POV

Night Fury loses control of his flying with every flap of his wings. He even has a difficult time trying to hold me safely in his clawed paws. I don't know why he's like this, but I try to make things easier for him by holding on tightly.

Besides what's happening now, I can't stop thinking about that human from earlier. Night Fury got all mad when I tried to get closer to him. But why? Was the human going to hurt me?

Out of nowhere, Night Fury's wings tilt and he bumps into a tree. This takes me by surprise because before I know it, I fall to the ground, landing on my stomach.

I use my arms to lift myself up and shake my head to regain focus. A loud thud and Night Fury's roar echo through the forest. I look ahead of me and see the edge of a small cliffside surrounding a lake. It almost looks like a cove.

Night Fury roars again, but this time at the bottom of the cliffside. My eyes widen when I realize he fell into the cove. I get to my feet and run to the edge, scanning the area down below.

Thankfully, Night Fury is all right. He looks up in my direction, roaring for me to stay put before I do anything reckless. The first thing he does is spread his wings to fly up, but that doesn't work for some reason.

Night Fury tries again and takes a few steps back this time. Now having a running start, he jumps onto the cliff in hopes of climbing up. His claws scrape along the rock as he flaps his wings rapidly. But that plan fails too.

I stand there helplessly, as I'm unsure of what to do. The only thing I can think about is jumping down there with him. I'm afraid to be up here all by myself. So I lean forward and extend my leg over the edge.

Of course, Night Fury is on high alert for my attempt. He prepares to flap up toward me when I jump off. And once I do, he rises off the ground. His wings aren't doing him much help, but he's high enough to catch me. Now in his arms, he turns around and glides down safely.

My feet land on the ground and I look over at Night Fury. He sniffs me a few times before going back to jumping on the rocky cliffs. That's when I realize why he is having a difficult time flying.

His left tail wing is gone.

Night Fury falls to the ground once again, landing on his side. And after multiple failed attempts, he is already getting tired.

I sigh before kneeling down to his head and gently patting him.

Night Fury grumbles with worry as he looks into my eyes. He's scared, and yet he also wants to keep me safe. But that won't be easy, considering our situation.

I reassure him with a soft smile and another pat on the head. Since it's starting to get dark, I lay down beside him in hopes of keeping warm.

He uses his arm to pull me closer, and I feel him drape his wings over us as he curls into a comfortable position. With one long exhale, he starts to calm down.

Along with him, I close my eyes and try to get some sleep.

Third POV

Later that night, Hiccup was able to make his way back to the village and into his house. But upon entering, he finds his father, Stoick, sitting by the fireplace.

Hiccup closes the door softly and tries to sneak up the stairs to his room.


The boy stops his ascent and looks over at his father. "Dad...uh...I have to talk to you, Dad," Hiccup says while climbing back down.

"I need to speak with you, too, son," Stoick says, now standing up from his seat.

"I don't want to fight dragons."

"It's time you learn to fight dragons."

Both look at each other while making their own claims at once. And not catching what the other was saying, they both say, "What?"

"You go first," Stoick insists.

Hiccup shakes his head. "No, you go first."

"All right," his father says with a sigh. "You get your wish. Dragon start in the morning."

Remembering what happened the night before with the dragon attacks, and him wanting to kill a dragon until now, Hiccup starts to freak out. "Oh, man, I should've gone first," he mutters, "Uh, 'cause I was thinking, you know, we have a surplus of dragon-hunting Vikings, but do we have enough bread-making Vikings or small-home-repair Vikings?"

Not listening to a word coming out of Hiccup's mouth, Stoick drops an axe into his arms while saying, "You'll need this."

Hiccup holds the axe nervously. "I don't want to fight dragons."

"Come on. Yes, you do," Stoick chuckles.

"Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons," Hiccup states.

Stoick walks over to the fire before turning to face his son once again. "But you will kill dragons."

"No, I'm really very extra-sure that I won't."

"It's time, Hiccup," Stoick says in a serious tone of voice.

"Can you not hear me?"

"This is serious, son." Stoick takes the axe from him and holds it up. "When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you. Which means  you walk like us, you talk like think like us." Giving Hiccup the axe back, he also gestures his hands to him. "No more of...this."

"You just gestured to all of me," Hiccup says with slight annoyance.

"Deal?" Stoick asks.

"This conversation is feeling very one-sided," Hiccup comments.


Hiccup sighs before muttering, "Deal."

With the conversation over, Stoick hulls a giant bag over his shoulder and heads toward the door. "Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably."

"And I'll be here...maybe," Hiccup says, his father now leaving him alone in the house.

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