||chapter 4: Questions left unanswered||

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Ranboo's POV


The man struggles under my grip. "It's your choice; either you give us the info we need, or I will be forced to use more... Painful methods."

"Please," Cameron muttered. "All we want is a key card. This doesn't need to end in violence."

"What's your name?" This could be easier if we knew their name.

"Arron." The young man tried to struggle out of my grip. He failed.

"Arron, if you can just give us a key card, we will leave." Arron squirmed under my grip.

"N-no, they'll kill me for it.." Cameron gave Arron a sympathetic look as if they knew each other. I tilted my head; there was no way that Cameron already knew them.

"Ranboo, is it alright if Arron and I talk alone?"

"Why?" Something was up Cameron wouldn't have-

"Why? Oh, I don't know; maybe a 6'9 person who was presumed dead six and half years ago is holding him in a tight headlock. You're scaring him shitless."

I scoffed, and Cameron gave me a death stare. "Let go of Arron."

"Fine." I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me.

"He can't get after me if he can't see me." my thoughts swirled as I passed through the wall.

"They'll kill me if they find out, Cameron. I- I don't want to die."

I know, I'm going to contact [redacted] and get them to pull you out, but you need to give me that keycard, or my brother dies."

"I- I alright fine, but if I die, it's your fault."

"Then just don't break under interrogation, and we'll get you out as soon as possible."

Arron moved towards the computer, and I moved out of the room. "Who the fuck is [redacted], and what does Cameron and Arron have to do with them?"

Cameron walked out of the room with an active keycard. "Come on, we got to get out of here."


cameron's pov


I walked out of the room with an active keycard. "Come on, we got to get out of here."

Ranboo looked angry; I had no idea where all of that anger came from unless...

Pain shot through my neck as Ranboo pinned me to the wall, cutting off my air supply.

"Who the fuck is [redacted]?"


short chapter, very tired, little motivation.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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