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Poppy's POV:
Everyone gathers around me, tears forming in their eyes.

"Come on man." Spruce says tearfully.

"We need you, Bitty B. The band isn't complete without you." John Dory says, a tear falling down his face.

Viva gently places her hand on my shoulder.

"He's gonna be okay, Poppy."

I look her with tear stains on my face.

"And what if he's not!?" I yell.

I turn back to look at Branch's now silver face.

"I'm so, so sorry, Branch. I was so focused on worrying about the future and being jealous of Viva, that I took what I had for granted. I wish I could've had more time to be with you, because you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

I starts crying harder afterwards, tears falling down my face and sobs escaping my mouth.

I suddenly feel a hand on my cheek. I look down, and he's there, smiling at me.

"I forgive you, Poppy."

I feel the biggest smile spread across my lips.


I throw myself onto him, wrapping him in the biggest hug ever. I feel everyone hug around us, and for the first time in days, I actually feel happy again.

After a while, everyone else pulls away, but I don't. I just sit there, soaking up every single moment I have with him.

"Uh, Poppy? You gonna let go now?"

"Seriously? After having a massive fight, almost losing you, and not being able to do this for 2 days, you seriously think I'm gonna let go?"

"No, but I do think you might wanna see Velvet and Veneer getting arrested."

I immediately pull away and look in front of me, and sure enough, Velvet and Veneer are being taken away in handcuffs.

I turn and look at Viva.

"I told you he would be okay."

I smile at her before giving her a hug.

"Thank you, Viva. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about the whole fight."

"It's okay, I get it. You were going through a lot, after watching your sister get married to your boyfriend's brother, and having a fight that big can make a person become really closed off."

"Yeah. Say, you and Clay have seemed really secretive since this trip. You sure there isn't something going on?"

"No, I'm fine, Poppy. Now go be with your boyfriend."

Viva signals behind me, and I see Branch with his brothers.

"I'll get them away from him so you two can have a moment." Viva winks at me before walking away.

I see her whisper something to Clay before they all slowly start talking to each other away from Branch.

I walk over to him and take his hand in mine. He turns to face me, smiling.

"So, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Happy, grateful, and, really sorry I said all of those things the other night. I will never wish we weren't dating."

"Woah, boundaries my man. That is a lot of feelings."

Branch starts chuckling, and then, I grab him by the vest, and kiss him. I feel his hands on my face, and I smile, not breaking apart.

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