"What about the other two?" Pierre asks, nudging Francesca with his elbow.

"Our little Aussie lovers?" She grins, glancing to Heidi and Oscar.

"He's so helplessly in love with her, it physically hurts me to watch." Pierre laughs.

"Reminds me of someone." Francesca whispers.


"No one in particular."

Sending him an innocent grin, poor Pierre was left dabbling in his confusion as Francesca turned her body away from him to talk to Daniel.

The Frenchman watched the interaction, a feeling of jealously bubbling up in his gut as Daniel threw his arm around Francesca's shoulders whilst they laughed at something Max had said. Neither Australian nor Dutchman noticed the look on Pierre's face that he was struggling very much to hide but it was Francesca who glanced over at him and subtly grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Kiss already." Charles' voice cuts through the air. "Your both killing me with your lovey eyes."

"Now you know how we feel around you and Alex." Heidi laughs.

"Albon? I thought you were determined to get me with him?" Charles gestures towards Max.

"You two will happen one day." Pierre smirks.

"Not Albon, your girlfriend you idiot. Why would you and Alex Albon be giving each other heart eyes all the time?" Francesca shakes her head.

"We know your talking about us, Frenchies!" Daniel jumps in.

"We're not talking about you." Francesca sighs.

"And I'm not French!" Charles says loudly.

"Mhm." Lando hums, once again appearing from nowhere.

"Oh fuck right off lover boy." Pierre laughs.

"Do not get him started on how he's Monegasque not French." Max pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Oh Charles, do you know that Arthur claims to be French?" Francesca grins.

"HE WHAT?!" Charles shouts.

Laughter echoed between the group, catching the attention of the others in the kitchen before it died down and everyone returned to their little conversations. Daniel watched with a fake annoyed look on his face as Francesca said something to Pierre in French under her breath which had the Frenchmen laughing and Charles' attention being caught once again.

"Should we just keep talking in French to piss them off?" Charles asks.

"I think if we keep doing this much longer Daniel will throw us all into the sea the minute he has the chance to." Francesca mutters.

Pierre went to open his mouth to reply to his two friends, but was cut off by a cap hitting him directly in the face. Francesca and Charles, who had both unfortunately just taken a swig from their drinks, were left holding their hands over their mouths as they laughed but it was Charles who ended up with beer spilling from between his fingers.

"What was that for!?" Pierre laughs. "81? Oscar!"

"Wasn't me!" Oscar throws his hands up in defence.

"Just shut it with the French, your making Lando self-conscious!" Heidi laughs.

"Heidi!" Pierre gasps.

"His idea!" The blonde points to Oscar. "He was to scared to do it himself."

"I will kill you." Pierre says jokingly.

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