ابدأ من البداية

Twenty minutes later we arrived at her place. We wook photos of the note and the book to show as evidence to the police. Then, we went to the bathroom and she carefully started to wipe my wounds.

"Wait a minute, take pictures of them to show the authorities what he does to me" I told her as I thought about more evidence. She did as I suggested and then continued to help me. Rainbow Dash tended to my wounds with utmost care after dad's beatings . Every gentle touch conveyed the depth of her love towards me, and I still felt butterflies in my stomach. As she skillfully patched up the injuries, our eyes met, a silent understanding passing between us. Overwhelmed by emotion, Rainbow Dash kissed me, sealing a moment of affection that lingered in our memories, forever intertwining our hearts. After that we watched our favorite TV show: Gladiators. We binge watched three episodes, sharing a family size bag of chips. We checked the time. It read 8:45 pm. We grabbed our camera, phones, ID cards and wallets and went towards the place that the note said. We hid behind a rubbish bin and saw a group of men with black suits and my dad arrive. I signaled for Rainbow Dash to start recording.

"Do you have the girl?" One of the men asked my dad.

"No, she's at a friend's place. I'll go tomorrow and fetch her" He said. What were they talking about? The girl? Did they mean me? I started to get angry and raised my fist. Rainbow Dash held my hand and whispered: "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. After this ends we'll go and report him" She said and caressed my cheek comfortingly.

"Does she know about this?" Asked another guy.

"No, she's a stupid girl. She always tries to look tough, but we all know that she's very weak" My dad said. A tear ran down my face. I'll show them who's weak when he goes to jail.

"Here are the weapons. Take them home, then, well kidnap her and sell her to the rich guys. You'll never see more money in your whole life" Said another guy, handing my dad a dangerous looking gun and smirking. Then, all of them left, leaving Rainbow Dash and I completely speechless. What we had just witnessed was unbelievable. They planned to kidnap me and sell me to some rich guys for money? We went straight to the police station. We showed all of the evidence. They asked me all sorts of questions, even weird questions like what I ate for breakfast last Monday. I don't understand how that has anything to do with dad being abusive. After two whole hours of interrogations and conferences, we were told to sleep in their youth protection centre for tonight, since dad had mentioned that he would kidnap me tomorrow morning. We were escorted to the place. It had one bed and was completely white. It also had a fair sized TV with plenty of channels. They brought us some dinner. It was bread and a chicken caesar salad. They also gave us a slice of cheesecake for pudding. I was allowed to call my brother and Applebloom. I informed them of everything and they cheered me on for accomplishing so much. I also told them that I was in a relationship with Rainbow Dash, and they approved, telling me that they were excited to have a new family member. After I hung up, I put on some cool pyjamas that we were given.

"We have done so much today. I'm very proud of you, Applejack" Said Rainbow Dash, hugging me lovingly.

"Thank you. You are the best person that I have ever met" I truthfully told her. We then shared a passionate kiss, which felt amazing, just like the first time. We went to bed an hour later. I couldn't sleep, thinking about all that had happened.

As Rainbow Dash and I nestled into the warmth of the same bed, exhaustion clung to our frames. A heavy sigh escaped me, my usually steadfast spirit now burdened. She sensed my distress and pulled me closer, her arms enveloping me. The room echoed with my stifled sobs, tears dampening the pillow beneath us. Her heart ached witnessing my pain.

Whispering reassurances, she gently wiped away my tears, vowing to be my anchor. In the quiet darkness, she pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, the softness of her lips, a promise that everything would be alright. With each whispered affirmation, she cradled my vulnerability, assuring me that strength could be found in vulnerability too.

After rain comes a rainbowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن