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It's Monday again, another depressing day. I sadly get up and choose my clothes. I haven't been feeling at my best lately. I have nightmares all the time. Why did mom have to die? Why did dad have to be so bitter about it? Because of that, I wake up every day to beatings and bruises all over my body. Every time that I do anything that dad doesn't like, I get hit. Not just hit, but dad cuts my forearms with a tiny blade that he always has with him. Life is not fair. I really miss when mom was here, when I could hear the lovely tunes that she used to sing Big Mac and I. Poor Applebloom, she barely knew mum. And here I am, a sixteen year old teenager living in an endless hole. I just want to die to be able to go with mum. I reluctantly pack my school books and go to school. The rain is pouring as I slowly get soaked. I don't even have an umbrella. I haven't even had breakfast. It's a miracle if I get to eat anything on a daily basis. If I even try to have just a nibble of bread in secret, I will be beaten by dad. I have no friends, everyone knows me as a freak. I always wear hoodies to cover my face and arms, and sweatpants to hide the bruises that are all over my body. I try to get as least attention drawn to me as possible. I don't want anyone to know what my life is like at home. I have to beg for money on the streets to buy something to eat, otherwise I'll starve to death. The only reason why I'm not gone yet is Applebloom. I am trying to stay put for her. She didn't deserve this. No one deserves this.

I have only been at this school for two days, and I'm the freak again. No one dares to talk to me, they think that I have some kind of disease. It's worse in gym class, because I have to wear shorts and everyone keeps staring at my bruised legs. I always say that I'm very clumsy, and I keep hitting myself so it doesn't seem suspicious. Today is a normal day for me. Once I arrive at school, I go straight to my locker. I put out my geography books for next period and I quickly put my hood down trying to cover up my face. My blonde hair is very messy, I haven't been allowed to brush or wash it in days, and I stink. If dad sees that I look clean, he will beat me. I have enormous bags under my green eyes that cover all of my freckles. I'm a tall girl, which would normally be good, but for me it's just another reason for bullying. People don't even know my name, but they constantly tease me. Even those who somehow know my name just create jokes about it. People also laugh at me because I live on a farm. Well, I actually live in the chicken coop, I'm not even allowed to sleep on an actual bed. I have to make do with some hay. Today I looked very bad, but I had to show my face because I had already been told off for wearing a hood in class, since it's something not quite polite. All around me were students dressing nicely, with nice faces, clean hair and stylish clothes. I'm not into fashion at all, but I prefer looking like a stuck up girl to how I have looked for the past thirteen years. Even when I was only three years old, I was teased for my southern accent and freckles. I have always been clever, and I get good grades, but my dad doesn't even care. He would prefer for me just to disappear, to never have existed. He shames me for existing, and beats me every single day. I feel trapped, with no way to escape. I look at the popular girls, adored by everyone and beautiful. They always have a big smile on their faces, and people always look up to them. I am just Applejack, the freak. Dad always finds ways to not only physically hurt me, but also mentally. He always reminds me of how worthless I am and that it's my fault that mum is gone. I barely remember what happened, I was only three years old when mum died. All I remember is her telling me that everything was going to be okay. If only I knew what awaited me afterwards...

The moment that I closed my locker, a girl walked up to me. She tapped on my shoulder and I flinched. Only yesterday my dad was hitting my right shoulder with his whip. The girl looked at me again and said:

- Hello, my name is Rainbow Dash. I'm new here. Are you alright?

I turned around to look at her. She was slightly shorter than me and had very pretty magenta coloured eyes. Her skin was cyan blue and she had messy hair. Each strand of it was one color of the rainbow. It made sense that her name was Rainbow Dash. She looked pretty with her hair, not like me. She was also wearing baggy clothes, but they looked much better on her. She had a cloud with a red, yellow and dark blue lightning bolt on her shirt. She had tall sporty boots and a pink and white striped skirt with black shorts underneath.

-My name is Applejack, I'm fine, just hit my shoulder yesterday- I answered.

- Can you show me where my class is? I'm a bit lost- she said.

- Of course, sugarcube- I said. I didn' notice that I had spoken like that. I mentally gasped. It had been years since I last spoke with my actual accent around anyone. Everyone would tease me for it, so I kind of developed a different accent. I never open up to anyone. I guess that since she was new, I hoped she wouldn't judge me for it.

- What a nice accent!- she said, which surprised me- Where do you come from?- she asked sweetly.

- I live on a farm outside of Canterlot- I said, trying not to say much.

- That sounds cool! Do you have siblings? I'm an only child- she said

- Yep, I'm the middle child of three- I said. Again with my accent. I'm trying not to speak, but I guess that it's naturally coming out.

- Lucky you!- she answered and smiled.

- We're here- I told her. We had finally arrived at class. We went to sit down, and everyone automatically sat as far as possible from me. I found a seat next to Rainbow Dash. She seemed like a nice girl, I wish that she could be my friend. She has by far been the nicest person to me in years. After class finished, I led her to the canteen for lunch. The lunch lady served us a blob of random vegetables and a slice of bread. It didn't look very appetizing, but anything is better than nothing. For me, lunch at school is a privilege. I'm used to eating on the floor or in the girl's bathroom, but this time, Rainbow Dash found two seats away from everyone. Once we sat down she turned to me with a serious expression. It caught me by surprise, as she is normally very cheerful.

- Is anything wrong at home? You seem very distant from everyone here. You also wear dirty clothes and, not to judge, but your hair is very dirty and messy- she asked me.

- Oh, well I've always been the freak at school, kids always bullied me for my accent, my freckles, my blonde hair and my house. Things at home have been very weird lately, since my mum died- I said. I didn't say anything else about my mum. She seemed nice, but I just couldn't bring myself to say anything about my dad beating me until I knew her more.

- I'm very sorry for your mom, I didn't mean to say anything that would hurt you. Also, I don't know you very much, but I think that you are twenty percent cooler than anyone here. Plus, you are very pretty. Your hair is beautiful, and your freckles suit you so much. Also, I think that your accent is awesome. People don't know you enough to judge. Don't try to hide what you really are just to try and please other people. If you like, I can be your friend. I don't want you to be lonely, and everyone needs a friend to be by their side and help them with anything. If there is ever anything troubling you, don't doubt in telling me. I will help you as much as I can- she said sympathetically. Her words touched me. No one, and I mean no one had ever been so nice to me in my whole life since mum died. I think that she is a great person. I really want to tell her about my dad, but I'm going to wait until I know her better.

- Thank you Rainbow Dash, you are a great friend- I managed to mumble as my eyes welled up and I started to cry. I had just called her my friend, and it just felt right to finally have someone by my side after all these years. She hugged me tightly as I cried on her shoulders letting my feelings disappear.

After rain comes a rainbowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant