Chapter 16:(Anti Theses 2) Tsukune's Ghoul Time

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Tsukune and Kurumu went to

Mizore: And what about us?

Hiroshi: I want you to contact Shoto, the PSC and The Headmaster.

Jeanne: Why the Headmaster?

Hiroshi: Because the blood inside of Tsukune is gonna either kill him or make him a ghoul.

The group split up as they headed to their destinations meanwhile Kurumu followed the outcasts and Tsukune where they headed to an abandoned building and saw a Chained up Moka.

Midou: We had a lot of trouble as she wasnt easy but if you want her back then you have to do it by force Vampire, Tsukune Aono.

Tsukune: Me? Vampire!?

Midou: Don't act stupid! I hate you guys. With that stupid dignity and well off purebreds looking down on us Hybrids!!

The outcast then tried to kill him only for Aono to dodge the attack leaving a hole in the building where the group saw and ran. Moka then tried to distract him by asking to face him as Tsukune as the blood activated and made him speed up reaching to Moka as Inner Moka was released and began to attack the group one by one after that Moka approached Tsukune.

I.Moka: Tsukune your body has reached its breaking limit, if I continue to inject blood inside of you will Die.

Tsukune: breaking limit?

I.Moka: Right now it's not too late you can come back to the human world that way you can recover little by little even if you have to leave yokai academy but that means you must never get involved in the monster world ever gain.

Tsukune then but smiled thinking she was messing with her.

Tsukune: You're joking right? That has to be.. right? then that would mean I won't ever see you or Hiroshi ever again.

I.Moka: it can't be helped besides the only people who would be troubled by it would be the outer Moka and even though you said it will trouble me I'll be fine as long as it does nothing to do with me.

Tsukune then realized that she was seriously but as they were discussing it Midou busted through the debris surprising the two.

Midou: You fools... what the hell have you been talking in my territory!?

The outcast then punched moka and Tsukune as hiroshi appeared.

Hiroshi: Shit!

Midou: Ha ha ha 1 down 2 two to go.

Just when the delinquent was about to brutalize them he saw a sword slash as he turned to see the half yokai and some of his men slashed and electrocuted by the sword.

Midou: Well if it isn't the White fox of Kugetsu.

Hiroshi: Midou.. it's been a year since I sent your ass to Juvie. Didn't expect you to be a outcast.

Midou: I would say the same about you, the half human son of one of the most powerful monsters of Japan, yet you use your powers to protect those pathetic people.

Hiroshi then went into his fox form as they were about to fight.

Hiroshi: unlike you Midou I ain't ashamed of being from both sides. Hey Moka you and Tsukune ok?

I.Moka: Don't worry about me go kick that guy's ass.

Midou: I can't wait to get my revenge.

Hiroshi: Let's hope you got the balls to do it

The outcast then sent a punch as Hiroshi blocked it with his bokken. As the kitsune then kicked him with a Roundhouse kick which the outcast wasn't fazed and knocked him back.

Yokai Academy's Half Breed Foxحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن