"As eloquently stated in the Treaty of the Treason, these Tributes will be delivered to the Capitol where they will prepare to Fight to the Death in an event televised across our great land until only one victor remains. What a wonderful way to bring us together, wouldn't you agree?"

She laughs, clasping her hands to her chest as she peers over the somber crowd.

When feedback screeches through the speakers, Belladonna tilts the mic and continues. "Every twenty-five years, the Gamemakers—who work so very hard to make certain each event is bigger and better than the last—add a surprise twist to keep viewers on their toes. Year twenty-five was known as the Quarter Quell. Subsequently, year fifty will be called the Second Quarter Quell.

"Isn't this exciting! Before we go into details, I have a film to share; a gift prepared for you by our very own President Coriolanus Snow."

Belladonna steps aside and with a grand sweep of her hand, gestures toward the giant screen behind her. An ear-piercing boom erupts from the speakers as an explosion paints the backdrop in a fiery orange hue.

"War. Terrible war. Widows. Orphans. A motherless child. This was the uprising that robbed our land."
In his Capitol accent, President Snow's voice looms over the montage of violent scenes reenacted for our viewing pleasure.

"Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained. And then came the peace..."

I've heard this speech so many times I don't even listen anymore. What's the point? Nothing changes. And no amount of hoping or praying will fix the unfairness each district has endured since the end of the Dark Days. Believe me, I've tried, back when I was less jaded by the realities of the Seam. Before my father passed away, making me the man of the house. Forcing me to not only fend for myself, but for my mother and younger brother.

Slate's only ten. In two years time, we'll face the Reaping together. But I already know, if his name is called I'll be the first volunteer District 12 has ever seen. It would be an honor to die in my brother's place. Laurel will have to understand. Even given our circumstances, I won't let him be a pawn in their games. I couldn't live with myself.

"This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future..." The President's final words bring me back to the stage.

When the video cuts out, Belladonna trots back to the podium. "What a beautiful homage. That is how the Old World was lost and a new one, Panem, was born. It never fails to bring a tear," she says, dabbing a hanky to her purple-lined eyes.

She recovers quickly. "As I said before, this year's Hunger Games marks another twenty-five years. Many moons ago, the Gamemakers sacrificed a great deal of time and effort coming up with Quarter Quells long into the future. Let's now go live to the Capitol, where President Snow will make this very special announcement."

Behind her, the screen once again comes to life. In real-time, hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Capitol citizens line the streets outside the presidential mansion, applauding and carrying on as an elegantly dressed man steps onto an imposing balcony to the tune of the national anthem. A young girl in a white dress follows behind, holding a delicate wooden box.

President Snow waves both hands and blows a kiss before addressing the audience. He begins with a few words about the Dark Days and what a privilege it is to host a glorified version of this year's Games.

Turning to the girl, he lifts the ebony lid and removes a sealed envelope. Silently, he reads what's inside before staring into the camera.

"On this fiftieth anniversary of the Hunger Games, instead of choosing two Tributes from each district, today we will choose four. Two boys and two girls, to make a total of forty-eight Tributes across Panem. This is to remind us that for every Capitol citizen who died in the uprising, two rebels were killed."

The Book of Haymitch: An ONC 2024 Hunger Games FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now