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Elijah, Fiona, Elena, Stefan, and Matt are gathered inside the kitchen.

Elijah: All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us.

Stefan: And you'll just run?

He sits down beside Elena, Fiona scoffs shaking her head

Elijah: We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena is able to live out the rest of her natural life?

Elena: We've finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back.

Fiona: Maybe a few centuries in a coffin will teach him some manners. It's time he knows how it feels.

Matt: Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over.

Fiona: Why is he here?

Elijah: Little One---


Stefan looks down ashamed while Matt only rolls his eyes. Danielle's voice comes over through the phone.

Dani: Pipsqueak, do everyone a favor and curse his ass. No one likes him anyway

Elijah places his hand over his sister who laces their hands together.

Elijah: Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms. If you return Klaus' body to us, Elena will come to no harm.

Elena looks at Stefan.

Elijah: Do we have a deal?

Elena: We have a deal.


Dani and Bonnie exit an elevator into a room of storage units.

Damon: You know, I'm not half way out of Virginia and Elena sells our souls to the Originals?

Bonnie: It was her call.

Damon: You know what else is her call? Everything bad ever.

Bonnie: Where's the body? As long as it's unspelled, Alaric is one witch away from finding it.

Damon: Hidden. I was gonna use Unit 666, but figured that would be a little obvious. So...[They stop in front of a unit.] 1020. Mini fridge, a couple bird cages, a box of old Playboys [Damon opens the unit's shutter door.] One beef jerkified Original.

Bonnie opens the casket. Klaus' chained and desiccated body lies within it. Suddenly, Klaus opens his eyes and looks at them.

Damon: Oh, creepy.

Bonnie: I need a minute.

Damon: Just jam the witch locator, bat signal or whatever and get on with it, Bonnie.

Bonnie: Elena and Jeremy lost Jenna and Alaric because of him. Tyler's a hybrid, my mother's a vampire. Could you give me a minute to just appreciate the sight of him like this?

Damon leaves and closes the door of the storage unit. Bonnie leans over the casket, looking down at Klaus.

Bonnie: You should burn in hell. But if you die, so do my friends. So does my mother. But you're Fiona's brother and everything I do, I do for her.


Fiona is walking through the woods towards the Lockwood cellar when she looks and sees Bonnie walking out, she runs towards her leaping up into her arms wrapping her legs around her waist smashing their lips together

Bonnie smiles placing her down but keeps her hands on her face moving her lips against hers passionately.

They pull away and Bonnie tucks her hair behind her ear

Fiona: Did it work?

Bonnie: It worked. Until this is over, you don't leave my side, got it?

Fiona nods her head as Bonnie pulls her back into her arms hugging her tightly

Fiona: I love you, Bonnie

Bonnie: I love you too, pretty girl.

Who else loves Bonnie being a protective girlfriend?

Fiona Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now