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Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, and Fiona are in the kitchen. Fiona is trained on a cookbook as she's carefully reading the book and cooking something on the stove. Bonnie scans her eyes towards her, smiling at how cute it makes her.

Bonnie: The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer.

Caroline: After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family.

Fiona pours the chill into the casserole.

Caroline: Since when do you know how to cook?

Fiona: I've been reading. Demi and Elena showed me. I like cooking

Elena: Stop judging. just trying to be a good...ow!

Caroline: Ahh! Did I splash you?

Elena: No, no, my necklace.

She pulls the pendant of the necklace off her skin. Her skin has a burn mark where the pendant touched her skin. Fiona's eyes widens seeing the necklace.

Elena: It burned me.

She removes the necklace and holds it by the chain.

Caroline: Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it.

Bonnie: Caroline...

Caroline: What, I'm just saying. If you're going to be "cooking" without Stefan.

Fiona: May I see it?

Elena holds the necklace out towards her. Fiona reaches out but there's a zap and sparks fly out of it. Elena drops it. Bonnie and Elena look at each other. Elena seems shocked.

Bonnie: Fione, are you okay?

Fiona: Yes I'm fine.


The lawns of the mansion are filled with people sitting at tables at the party. Elena, Fiona, and Caroline are sitting apart from the party on a bench. Bonnie joins them with her grimoire.

Bonnie: I have an identification spell that might be able to tell me what magic affected the necklace.

Fiona hands her the necklace

Bonnie: Thanks, pretty girl

Fiona's cheeks turns a shade of pink, looking away.

Caroline: So you're not, like, switching Salvatores, are you?

Elena: What?

Bonnie: Caroline...

Fiona looks between them, eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

Caroline: Stay focused.

She looks back at Elena.

Caroline: As your friend who worries for you daily, what is the deal with you and Demi?

Elena: There is no deal. She's been just as focused on finding Stefan as I have.

Caroline: Yeah, but that doesn't make her any less Danielle. If my own father, who I love dearly, can't change me. No one's changing Danielle. Not even you.

Elena: Look, why are we even talking about this?

Bonnie: Hey guys.

The necklace pendant is levitating and rising slowly in the air.

Caroline: What are you doing?

Bonnie: I'm not doing anything. It has its own magic.

Fiona's eyes widens in shock eyeing the necklace.


Bonnie and Fiona are in the bedroom that's been set up for Fiona. There are candles and grimoires on the floor.

Bonnie: Okay, tell me if you see anything in these grimoires that involves precious metals or a symbol that resembles a necklace.

Fiona: Why can't you ask the witches?

Bonnie: I don't have access anymore. They cut me o----

She stops when she looks over seeing Fiona has a confused look

Bonnie: It's a long story.

Fiona: Since when?

Bonnie: Since I brought Jeremy, Elena's brother back to life. I messed with the balance of nature and there were consequences. Hey. I'm sorry. I know I should have told you. I told Elena when it happened. I just didn't want you to feel weird about it, you know?

Fiona places her hand over top of hers

Fiona: Don't be sorry. You did what you thought was right and why would it be weird for me?

Bonnie: N-no reason. Are you having a hard time?

Fiona: It's hard getting used to all this technology but I'm getting there. So should I concentrate on the older books? Or, uh, I mean, how old is this necklace?

Bonnie: Old.

They laugh. Fiona sits down and opens a grimoire, takes the necklace, holds it up and looks at it. Bonnie is admiring her, running her eyes over her face.

Suddenly all the grimoires burst into flames. They're surprised.

Bonnie: FIONA!!!

She removes the grimoire on Fiona's lap with her powers and puts out the fire with a spell.

Bonnie: Are you okay?

Fiona: What happened?

Bonnie: I don't know.


Fiona is in the bathroom, washing her hands.

Bonnie: Hey there's ashes everywhere.

Fiona: I'll get the vacuum device.

Bonnie: Vacuum.

Fiona: What?

Bonnie: Just the vacuum.

Fiona: Oh. Okay.

Bonnie shakes her head, smiling as Fiona walks out of the bedroom.


Fiona and Bonnie are sitting at a table.

Fiona: So Jeremy is your boyfriend? And he's been seeing this Vicki and Anna all summer?

Bonnie: Yeah. He's been talking to to them

Fiona: I'm sorry. It's because I brought him back to life. The witches said there would be consequences. Guess they were right.

She turns her head to look at the waitress.

Bonnie: You know, what am I supposed to...

Fiona places her hand over hers lacing their hands together, Bonnie looks down at their joined hands and back up to her seeing Fiona smiling

Fiona: I'm here if you want to talk, Bonnie

Bonnie: Thanks, pretty girl.

Fiona Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now