Don't have a pic of him maskless lol

Tracker: Cory why are yelling for this time ?

Cory: This octoling is wanting to bring civilians onto this mission

Tracker: well can they fight ?

Cory: Excuse me ?

Tracker: If they can fight they can join

Gage,Marina,Pearl and Sky put their hand up to confirm they can fight while Aaliyah hides behind Sky

Tracker: then welcome to the mission

Cory: One Didn't even raise there hand !

Tracker: There still coming

Cory: Command will not be happy with you

Tracker: When are they not now let's move it

As every one leaves beside Tracker and Cory he gives tracker a dead look while tracker just gives a smirking smile and leaves the room. The group goes outside and sees a Blackhawk Helicopter waiting as well as spare combat gear

Tracker: I recommend you all gear up we are going into a heavy combat zone

Everyone gears up with Gage,Pearl and Marina putting on light combat armor,Callie putting on a spare Anget 3 suit and Sky putting on leg armor and shoulder arms as she doing that Aaliyah walks over do her

Aaliyah: H-Hey

Sky: What's up ?

Aaliyah: Y-You sure you'll keep me safe? You know I...I can't fight...?

Sky stops putting on gear and puts her hand on Aaliyah should and takes off her glasses looking at her with her cyan eyes

Sky: I don't care if you can't fight I will protect you with my life I won't let your sister hurt you I promise

Aaliyah hugs Sky as a way of saying thank you Sky sits there not knowing what to do she hasn't got a hug in a long time she awkwardly hugs back then giving Aaliyah her glasses

Aaliyah: Why are you giving me these ?

Sky: Tho they are broken they will tell if the area is safe and where I am if you tell it locate 1672

Aaliyah: Thank you once again

Sky: Anytime now let's get going the team is probably waiting on us

Aaliyah nods her head and the two of them walk to the Blackhawk then with everyone inside they all fly off to the factory. Due to it being a long trip some of the group decided to sleep that being Emilie,Gage,Pearl And Aaliyah with Aaliyah sleeping next to Sky

Liz: Should we wake them up sir ?

Tracker: No we are going to need all the energy

Pilot: Sir we are reaching the factory

Tracker: Perfect request landing with the stolen number

Pilot: This is octo ship 75 requesting for permission to land

The comms stay quiet the pilot repeats the request but still no responds

Pilot: Sir there not responding

Tracker: Impossible It was pack just a hour ago

Sky: Try saying 1672 is requesting to land

The pilot repeats it adding 1672 but they still don't get a responds

Tracker: There's something going on ploit land us in

The Blackhawk enters the factory and lands on the platform the noises from the some of the machines waking up the people that were sleeping

Tracker: All right everyone listen up something going on in this factory there comms are down and looks like it's a ghost town but that doesn't change are objective everyone stay sharp and be close

Everyone except Aaliyah exits out of the Blackhawk and looks at empty Factory seeing some dead Octo soldiers on the ground

Gage: Looks like someone already killed them all

Kaiser: But how so quickly ?

Liz: mini splatling

Emilie: What ?

Tracker: looks at marks only weapon that can do that is a mini splatling

Pearl: So we are dealing with a heavy weapons ?

Tracker: Let's split up Me,Marie,Kaiser,Emilie And Pearl when will check the top level Liz's team will check the underground

Liz: Copy that sir

Tracker: My Team roll out

Tracker's team starts running into the factory with Liz's team going underground. Tacker's team goes into the comms tower to see why they didn't get any responds. They get on top to see a lot of dead octoling soldiers on the ground and some are on top of the tower controls

Kaiser: Well that explains the no comms

Emilie: They also seem to cut off power to most of the base

Pearl: How do you know ?

Emilie: I'm getting no current from the wires

Kaiser sees one of the comms tower's cam and checks todays footage to see if he can find out who did this attack

Kaiser: Tracker look at what I found

The team looks at the footage and sees a group of octo soldiers attacking octo soldiers with a group of soldiers wearing power Armor helping in the fight

Marie: So octoling soldiers were attacking each other ?

Kaiser: but that doesn't explain the power armor soldiers thats military gear

Tracker: That's impossible

Emilie: What's it is tracker ?

Tracker: Those tactics, Their formations there my old tactics

To Be continued

Sorry for this being manly dialogue I try cutting it out as best as I can nexts part will have more fighting

The Battle For Inkopolisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें