what a rude life?!

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Her father is surprised why his daughter, who always locks herself in her room and does not come out until she goes to the bathroom or to eat, wants to sleep in the living room especially in this cold weather? Isn't this unusual? He was asking her about the matter, but y/n did not respond to him or say a word. Her father stopped asking her because he knew that no matter what he did, his daughter would never answer him.

Meanwhile, y/n was angry that she wasn't sleeping in her room on her comfortable bed

_Damn! He's really selfish. He sleeps on my bed in my quiet room and I sleep on the floor in the living room and it's very cold........
b...but he...is..a..a....attractive "she is blushing slightly Apparently y/n only forgave him because he was good looking! This girl really appreciates beauty!"

_and I'm the reason why he is like that.... Maybe he hates me and considers me just a lonely, depressed girl who wants to have a boyfriend..... He is actually kinda of right....

Y/n started to feel a little guilty that she wished kyubey would change his appearance and become her lover. She hadn't felt this way since she made her wish, but she started thinking about it since he angrily told her that he wouldn't let her touch his hair.

She rolled a little and thinking about this idea and then said

_I think I'm the only selfish person in this story...' she said in a sad tone laced with guilt.'

_I would feel very sad if someone wanted to change my appearance and turn me into a cat and make me his girlfriend without my permission...

_.........................what I've done.....?

y/n started imagining Kyubey alone crying in her room because of her wish, which made her panic and immediately leave for her room to check on Kyubey. Immediately, she opened the door to the room and she was very worried about him.

_ KYUBEY!!!!! "She said it in a worried tone"
_huh? Where is he??

Y/N turned and looked at her bed but
She couldn't find him!! But!! She felt someone blowing in her ear, which scared her a little until she realized that kyubey was the one who had blown in her ear.

_ola~" Kyubey winks " Oh!! Why were you screaming! You really annoy me, little miss! Hmm, hey, hey, is it possible that you were... worried about me?"he chuckles "

Y/n blushed when Kyubey said that to her. This girl felt stupid because she was worried about this arrogant boy! And now because of him, she is involved in an embarrassing


"Kyubey smirks "
_Oh! Then why did you run to your room, open the door, scream my name and look for me? Well, maybe you're not worried about me, maybe you just miss me :)

y/n stared at him silently, her face turning crimson red at his guess that she missed him.

_oh! I see your face had turned deeply red:0! Apparently my guess is correct, you miss your attractive boyfriend Kyubey ~ my little miss "wink~✨"

_huh......... N... NO!!!! I came here because I felt remorse for my wish!! I feel like I forced you to be something you don't want to be....
"She was looking at the ground when she said this, with a great tone of sadness in her words."

_kyubey chuckles "
Hehehe HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S WHY YOU WERE SAD?! Well, I'll admit, I never expected something like this to happen. You're the first girl to make such a strange wish. In addition, you're the first girl who cares about my feelings to the point that you'll cry for me. Personally, throughout my very long career, I've never met someone like you.

My unusual wish Kyubey X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now