chapter 12

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(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
Back in the day...

John had known Branch as an adult for all of two days, but this right here had been the most scared he had ever seen him.

"I'll go get Poppy." Branch had turned to go get his girlfriend so they could finally take off to Mount Rageous, when Clay grabbed his arm.

"No, no, no, wait. Hold on. There's no way Viva's gonna let her go." Clay explained. And there it was. The fear lit up in Branch's eyes.

"What? What are you talking about?" John stepped closer to Branch, hoping to provide any sort of comfort, but he could tell; his boy was stressed. Why wouldn't Viva let Poppy go? They had to get to Floyd and this was holding them up.

Clay to his credit, did look sympathetic. "Like I said, she's got some stuff going on, man. If we don't wanna get trapped, we should sneak out now."

Stuff going on? If anyone could relate to how Viva was feeling, it was John. He too was an older sibling who thought all of his siblings had died, but he wasn't forcing them to stick around! Or was he? He is making them go on this crazy journey for the Perfect Family Harmony. No, no. This was for Floyd. After they were done saving Floyd everything would go back to normal. John knew it had to. Nothing good lasts forever.

Suddenly the door that was in between themselves and Rhonda started closing, and the Putt Putt trolls started moving in on them. Viva looked angry, an emotion that John wouldn't have expected from her based on the happy display she had put on earlier.

"Oh, hey..." Clay awkwardly chuckled. "Viva. What's up, girl?"

Poppy came running up behind them and John could practically feel the sigh of relief that Branch let out. He had been really worried about his girlfriend. John saw Branch's hand twitch towards Poppy's. A movement that indicated that he wanted to-- needed to-- hold her hand. John couldn't help himself. He patted the kid on the shoulder. If he couldn't get the comfort he needed right now from Poppy, John would be happy to help in any way he could.

Poppy looked distraught. "Viva! What are you doing?"

Her sister narrowed her eyes in determination. "You're not leaving here no matter what, because-- because it's just not safe out there. You're welcome."

Poppy stepped forward, pulling her scrapbook from out of her hair. "Wait, is this about the Bergens? Because they stopped trying to eat us. That's all in the past."

"Yeah, right. That's hilarious, Poppy. I'm laughing really hard." The blonde troll said sarcastically. John sort of understood where Viva was coming from. Really, he did. The Bergens haunted his past too. He had been shocked to find his kid-- Branch at a Bergen wedding! But he had to move past it, had to keep going. He had to help save Floyd, his baby brother. He would do anything for him.

"I'm serious, Viva." Poppy said, pushing the scrapbook forward for her sister to see it more clearly. "Bridget, my best friend I was telling you about, she's a Bergen! Look. Bridget and I do a million fun things together. We talk and we play games and we sing songs. And make up these really bad dances. It's a lot like-- Well, actually, it's a lot like what you and I have been doing. The world's a lot different than it used to be."

Branch finally moved forward, taking Poppy's hand in his. JD didn't miss how the touch relaxed both of the trolls a smidge more. "Viva, look, I used to be just like you." The dark haired troll stated. "I built a bunker, and I lived in it for years because I knew it was safe." Branch shrugged, kind of aloof. "And, sure, it kept me alive. And I never had to wear pants. But I was living without pants. Does that make sense?"

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