chapter 5

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Back in the day...

John hated waiting in line. Especially with a two year old practically strapped to his chest. But he needed to get an official stamp from the King saying that they could have their concert. All loud events had to be pre-approved by the king, in case he thought they would stir up suspicion from the Bergens.

The King's pod was large and quite well decorated, which John was thankful for. It gave Branch something to stare at while the line moved ever so slowly. However, it did unfortunately spawn one of John's least favorite games.

"What's that?" Branch said, pointing over the eldest troll's shoulder.

"That's a guard. They keep the king safe."

"What's that?" He squealed.

"That's a curtain. We have those at Grandma's."

"What's that?"

John turned to look at what Baby Branch was pointing at. "Oh, that's a painting of the princess. Princess Viva." John scratched his head. "I think you have seen her before. She's in Clay's class."

At the mention of his brother, Branch started looking all around the room. "Where's Clay?" He wiggled in JD's arms, and John gently placed him down. He gripped the two year's hand though. He was not about to let this little guy run off. John used his other hand to wipe at some stray crumbs on the baby's cheek. "Clay's at home with Floyd."

Branch tugged at his arm. "We go home now?" He could tell that the little troll was about as sick of this line as he was.

John chuckled, "Not yet."

Bitty B began to twirl around John while still holding his hand in order to entertain himself. John could just barely make out the words that Baby Branch was singing under his breath. "So tell me what to do now~~" John then quickly realized that Branch was attempting to do the Band's choreography. The kids really was a natural.

Suddenly, Branch stopped and pointed at something off in the distance. There was a bright glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. "What's that?" John looked in the direction that he was pointing and saw a bright pink egg on a large royally decorated pillow. He turned back to the baby and saw that he was staring at it in awe. Had he never seen an egg before?

"That's the King's egg. There's a troll in there."

Branch looked up at him with wide eyes. "Really?"

John nodded and scooped up Baby Branch. Okay, maybe he was just as clingy as Branch was. "Yup. You were in an egg once."

Branch scrunched up his face. "No, I wasn't."

John tickled at his belly, a squeal erupting from the little guy. "Yes, you were!"

Baby Branch's eyes wandered back towards the egg. He pointed again. "A troll is in there?"

"Uh huh." John nodded.

"Like Branch?" John smiled at the association that the baby was making. "Uh huh, like Baby Branch."

"Baby boy or baby girl?" The baby asked. Jeez, this kid was full of a lot of questions today. "We won't know until it hatches. But," he said, getting Branch's eyes back on him. "If it's a boy it will be a Prince and if it's a girl, it will be a Princess."

Branch's jaw dropped in awe. "A princess," he whispered to himself.


Branch was getting fussy in a way he never had before. He wouldn't go down for his nap. He wouldn't be picked up by anyone other than John. He didn't want to put on his coat when they went outside. And now, at band practice, he didn't want to sit off to the side of the stage.

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