Kill This Love

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Trigger Warning ⚠️


Hyunjin's pov (3rd person) :


< Time skip : 5 years later >

The fifteen year old was lying on his bed while reading a detective fiction novel. His heartbeats, as he usually administered the protagonist in himself, were shaky due to the engimatic plot.

The peaceful environment got ruined because of the ringing doorbell. He trotted out of his room to open the door for the visitor, but they were already welcomed by his parents, whom he detested calling so.

He saw, from the top of the stairs, that the guest was none other than Jaxon, his ever so violent boyfriend.

He felt perplexity consuming him as he thought about him. Jaxon always gave him mixed signals. Hyunjin, himself was unsure about his feelings towards Jaxon that whether he truly loved him.

But nevertheless, he accepted Jaxon's proposal because he was his physical, mental and emotional support during his life's most tragic period.

Though he still was not cured by that intense trauma, he had Jaxon by his side. That's what he needed then, a pillar to hold and withstand the disaster and, Jaxon became that structure for him.

He could never be grateful enough of Jaxon's efforts, who helped him move on from that situation.

Hyunjin yet remembered his first encounter with Jaxon. His boyfriend confronted him when he was in a terrible break down in his middle school's restroom.

The reason for his deteriorated state was his favourite person, his grandma, his everything, Hwang Mujigae's death. He couldn't stop his tears as such he cried many nights to sleep.

His body, after hearing the news, felt numb and he, all of a sudden, collapsed. It was an irrecoverable wound in his heart. It took him over a month to buy the fact that his granny was no more to adore him. He became deprived of all the emotions and the sweet, delicate angel turned into a cold-hearted, dull devil.

That day, during the break he, per usual, was sobbing alone in the washroom because he received slaps for doing so at his home, no he meant house.

Then, suddenly a tall, brawny boy entered and watched him in his pathetic condition. Hyunjin thought that he was one of those bullies who came to beat him for fun or those perverts who freaked out with his presence and liked him for his looks and body, but the unfamiliar figure gave him tissues and time to calm down while speaking sweet nothings from a distance.

Since that day, him and Jaxon grew close. They did assignments together, hung out frequently, enjoyed each other's presence and much to his surprise, his parents let Jaxon come to his home for studies. Though it appeared strange, but he didn't question for the sake of a company.

With the passage of time, their bond got even stronger as they were phrased as 'the inseparable soulmates'. And just like any other romantic story, one fine day Jaxon confessed his love to Hyunjin, who blindly accepted his dating offer, which gradually turned into a relationship.

Eventually, the ferret-like discovered Jaxon's true colours. His boyfriend, as mentioned previously, began exhibiting mixed signals. As the taller would release all his frustration on Hyunjin by assaulting him, albeit Jaxon loved him, cared for his opinions and didn't let go of him in his ups and downs.


Hyunjin's pov (1st person) :

As I was returning to my room, I overheard Jaxon asking,

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