Chapter 12

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The next day, Anthony and Elisa start to investigate Helga's background, but they didn't find anything in time.

"I have to go to work," Elisa said.

"What? I thought you had vacation," Anthony said.

"Well, my boss doesn't allow vacations and I only work on weekends," they said.

"That's not fair, you promised we would investigate Ian's mother," he said.

"Ant, you really have to get a job," they said.

"No, I don't," he said.

"Yes, you do," they said.

"Fine. When do you finish?" he asked.

"At about 3pm, why?" Elisa said.

"Okay, do you want to continue the investigation?" Anthony asked.

"No Ant, we shouldn't. This isn't the place for us. We have to respect his family's privacy," Elisa said.

When Elisa goes to work, Anthony calls Ian and he agrees to the investigation. They start by googling Helga's name and find her home address.

They didn't notice that Elisa and Sophie came home.

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked.

"Doing an investigation," Ian said.

"Anthony, you got Ian involved," Elisa said. Anthony nods. "Why don't you listen to me?" Elisa said, laughing.

"Because it's fun," Anthony said, laughing now too.

"Okay what have you found," Elisa said.

"Who are we investigating?" Sophie whispered.

"Helga, Ian's mother," Elisa whispered.

"So we only found her address but it's something," Ian said.

"There's her full name," Elisa said. They were shocked that they didn't find it earlier.

"Oh, and that. We also found her name," Anthony said. "Nevermind." Elisa thought.

"Have you found her kids?" Sophie asked.

"Wait, we can do that?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to do it in case you didn't want to see it," Anthony said.

"Please do it," Ian pleaded.

"Are you sure?" Elisa asked.

"Yeah," Ian said.

"Okay, if you say so," Anthony said. When he starts typing, Ian starts to think about how he should apologize for the screaming and the scene he caused yesterday.

"Uh, I, um. I don't know how to say it but...," Ian starts. He gets interrupted.

"Ian, we forgive you," Anthony said.

"But I yelled at you," he said, looking at Elisa.

"Oh, buddy. I was just shocked. Look, it was our fault. We should have just kept our mouths shut," Elisa said.

"Yeah, but...," Ian gets interrupted again.

"Hey, you two, shut up. We found something, " Sophie said. Ian looks at the screen and sees that she's married and has more kids. "She didn't tell me that." Ian thought. He starts clenching his fist.

"Ian, Are you okay? You look pretty mad," Elisa said before he started walking out of the room.

"Ian, wait," Anthony said, which was the last thing Ian heard before he ran home.

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