"be ready by 8:30 am yb gotta flight to catch you gone be watching his two youngest , kacey we call him tarzan and kodi , his daughter.. i'll pick you up" he said as a smile plastered on enchanteds face

"joe , you don't know how much i love you , thank you so much" she said smiling

"i love you more kid , now get some rest and please be up and ready" he said laughing before hanging up

enchanted jumped off the couch dancing in the mirror

"thank mother fucking god , AMEN" she yelled before running upstairs she grabbed her suitcase and duffel bag out her closet.
packing at least 4 days worth of clothes.

"you must be enchanted" montana said reaching his hand out to shake her hand

"this kacey , and kodi .. we going to nevada for his concert .. we will be meeting yb at the airport" montana said

"okay" enchanted said getting into the sprinter with tana and joe

"hi channy" kayce said smiling

"hi tarzan" she said smiling at him as she buckled him into his car seat while kodi stayed sound asleep .

"so , you'll have the kids at the concert back stage we all gone stay in the bnb , then we coming back here  so whenever top is busy you will have them just a normal nanny job ... we don't travel as much so you will have time to yourself unless we got a video shoots" tana explained as enchanted nodded

"do they have any allergies i need to know about" enchanted asked as she opened her notes

"nah , kacey fully potty trained .. he has his ipad to call yb and his mom so he be occupied half the time" tana explained as he helped get the bags out the sprinter

"ok"enchanted said as she let kacey out the car and grabbed kodi's car seat

"waddam top" joe said dapping up yb

"yb this enchanted , enchanted this yb" joe said as enchanted smiled waving .

kentrell admired her small petite figure from head to toe , he licked his lips smirking making montana and joe shake their heads

kentrell was a huge flirt , they knew he was gonna end up making enchanted more than a nanny sooner or later .

"waddam" he said smiling showing his pearly white teeth

"ight let's get on this jet" tana said as they all nodded following behind him .

as enchanted bored the jet she seen two more men ..

"that's kd and ben" joe said pointing as she stretched out on the couch next to them

"im enchanted" she said making her way to the back of the jet so she could get kodi out the car seat ..

she unstrapped her and slid her blanket on the bed before laying her down gently.. watching her make herself comfortable she laid next to her plugging up her phone

"she the new nanny or sum" she heard one asked as she heard someone snicker

"for now" kentrell said chuckle making the boys laugh as she rolled her eyes

and now i have to play hard to get .

"channy" kacey said as he climbed on to the bed

"yes honey" enchanted asked sitting up giving him her undivided attention

"look at my show , this my favorite" he air as he turned the ipad around showing 'bluey'

"oh wow i love this show too , me and my niece use to watch this all the time" enchanted said smiling at the memory of her bonding with her niece

"what's her name" kacey asked as he laid on the side of his baby sister

"her name is infinity" she said as kacey smiled before going back to watching his show.
Las Vegas , Nevada .
9:28pm .

kentrell was in the process of performing his third song of the night "murder business"

enchanted and the kids stayed at the airbnb , kodi was finally awake and active and kacey was sleep .

"you are so pretty girl" enchanted cooed as she played with kodi while she smiled back at her .

enchanted smiled ear to ear as she took a picture of her saving it to her camera roll ..

she didn't know if she could be public with her job , which was something she had to talk to kentrell about being that she was a youtuber .

after a while kodi began to get fussy making enchanted frown

"you hungry mama" enchanted asked as she put her on her hip going into her diaper bag to make a bottle for her .

kodi immediately latched on to nipple of the bottle and began eating

"see girl this why you gotta wake up , then long ole naps be having you hungry" enchanted laughed as kodi smiled at her

once kodi was fed , burped and changed she was sound asleep on enchanteds chest .

enchanted turned off the living room tv before going upstairs to check on kacey seeing him asleep ..

she closed the door leaving it slightly cracked before going into her room ...

laying kodis blanket down before laying her down and climbing in bed next to her ..

she put her phone on do not disturb before turning on the tv flipping through channels .

kentrell and the guys joked as they came into the house

"mann nevada showed out" kentrell said to his live watching his comments flood

"but ight , until next time ya" he said chuckling ending the live

"what time the flight ina morning" kentrell asked his manger

"11" tana said as they went their separate ways to their rooms

kentrell went upstairs opening the door to enchanted's room seeing her and kodi asleep he admired her from afar before taking a picture of the two and saving it to his camera roll .

he closed the door behind him before going to his own room ..

stripping out his clothes he stepped into the warm shower letting his thoughts consume him ..

HEY YALL , i finally got something new !!!


anyways i really don't wanna drag out this story because i got a lot planned for my sexy boo enchateddd.....

stay tunedddd !

the nanny Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora