Meet in the Underworld

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A/N: I don't own the Marvel Cinematic Universe just like the Wizarding World, and of course, have no intentions of monetary gain from it or breaking any copyrights.

Harry Potter was finally feeling normal for the first time in his life. He was enjoying himself for his first few days at school, and the fact that he was continuously challenged in hid classes for making more and more impressive feats was good for some adrenaline to course through his system. Of course, the mighty show at the exams proved to be such a drain on his energy that even changing rats to goblets was daunting for the first day, but that had soon been solved. Now he was conjuring walls and exquisite tables, snakes and crocodiles, learning quite a few remarkable spells and researched runic transport. And today, like everyday this year, he found himself meditating in Dumbledore's office as part of their new training regime.

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Harry was in a daze already. This strange feeling in the middle of his forehead was too strong to ignore. It felt ike it wanted to shred open somehow. And the funny fact was that, although he was now given a timetable of the classes he needed to attend which led to many free periods, he still had to now go to Professor Dumbledore's lessons now, which were daily now, at least when he was in the castle.

Add that to the fact that every lesson was 5 freaking hours long, with the first two wasted on meditating so deep that he could sense every single thing around him without opening his eyes at all. 

But that was exactly when that spot in the middle of the forehead hurt the most. It wasn't a searing pain like that of a cut and was neither like the interior pain of a sprain or a fracture. It ws a combination of both, yet was different from both.

This had brilliantly helped his wandless magic capabilities. He could now conjure runic shields without writing them down anywhere, which looked so impressive that you couldn't take your eyes away from them.

But the most brilliant piece of magic he'd learnt was that of opening portals. Yes, freaking portals to anywhere you wanted!

You had to put on a special ring, and had to concentrate real hard on the place you had to go and move your hand in a circle. Voila! You've teared apart space!

Sometimes he would get immersed so much during meditation he'd just teleport himself by himself, where only quick tracking apparition by Dumbledore used to save the day.

But now it was different. He'd learnt to tolerate the pain in his forehead while meditating, but today he felt different. It was more of a tearing apart of his aura inside of his head, and he couldn't help but spasm hard. 

But heck! His body wasn't moving anymore.

Double heck! He was looking at his body — third person view.

What in the freaking world was happening?! Was he. . . Dead?

An explosion emerged from inside him, an explosion of golden aura into his surroundings, which then collected itself together in the form of a gigantic beautiful golden phoenix. It was literally looking too elegant and magical to be of this world at all, with it's blazing wings and a magnificent crown on its head like those of an emperor penguin. 

Its sharp glowing eyes focused on Harry's, and it suddenly shifted colour to blue and kinda ate his head. His whole head felt the heat of the blue flames, but he didn't burn. Instead, the eyes on his body sitting there suddenly opened, glowing in the same light as those of the earlier phoenix.

Dumbledore was trying his best now to shake Harry's body up, but Harry's spirit felt nothing. The voice was too muffled to hear, and the view was slowly getting distorted. He felt himself change into that blue phoenix, and it suddenly was as if he was in a new dimension. Well technically he was, but anyways.

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