Yes, a freaking Fudgy Ball

145 7 3

24th December 1991

Harry was woken — sorry, rather dragged and shaken awake, by his mother and no-one would know that this small little family was going to hoist a Ball in just a few hours. Yes, a freaking Ball!

Harry was tasked with welcoming all the guests till the evening, and he was given a portkey to-and-fro the house and the manor. The ballroom was themed light-blue and cyan, and was adorned with chandeliers, exotic lamps, ribbons and velvet all round the room. There stood a massive Eastern white pine tree adorned with numerous decorations and a star bigger than Harry's head on the top, which Harry himself had put on with his broom.

The tables were levitated and set, with the most fine-looking steel cutlery and ceramic plates, as opposed to the silver ones present in the kitchens, because then Uncle Moony wouldn't be able to enjoy.

Harry and Padfoot mount their brooms to put on the decorations, although they had more fun with them than actually work. 

Then Harry got dressed up in an expensive suit gifted by Uncle Padfoot. It looked really nice on him — the matte black jacket, with a Chinese silk tie and matching pants and boots and a white shirt looked impressive according to James, overly handsome according to Padfoot and adorable(?) according to Lily on the eleven year old Harry.

Harry was left to stand at the gate after lunch to welcome the evening guests. He was glad that at least Uncle Paddy was there with him, because he probably wouldn't know half of them. But he didn't really expect for anyone to arrive this early, when suddenly he felt the muggle repelling wards tighten at a point way below too close to the manor than usual. He looked through his omniculars but regretted his decision too early.

There she was, with her two parents, looking too adorable not to stare. She had worn a periwinkle blue dress, with her hair no longer bushy, but curled into beautiful ringlets, a couple of which fell onto her face at just the right places. At the back, she had tied her hair in a proper bun, probably with a lot of sleakeazy, and wore the same flower as the dress on the right side of her hair. Sirius caught him probably, for he nudged him and playfully said,

"Go down already. Instead of stalking from far away just go and kiss the unlucky girl", to which Harry mocked retching — but his stomach was turning upside down for real, albeit in a good feeling way.

"You are such a git", he said and moved down. He could've used more of Sirius's extensive vocabulary in this regard, but refused to spoil his mouth just yet.

He walked down the hill where the two adults were probably arguing with their kid.

"You mean that your friend Harry is going to keep a ball in that little tower over there?", Mr. Granger asked Hermione.

"Can't you see Dad? That's a gigantic manor!", she huffed an pointed towards the top.

"Good evening, Mr. Granger. Mrs. Granger", he said and offered his hand to each of them.

"Good evening, Harry I presume?", Mrs. Granger asked to which Harry nodded.

"Uh.. Well, you see Harry — where exactly do you — you know, where're you hosting the ball?", Mr. Granger asked a bit awkwardly.

"Oh, for that — just think about what I say, alright? The Potter Manor can be found at the top of Stinchcombe Hill", and at their doubtful faces, he said, "Go on! Think about it!"

Helen was dumbstruck for a moment when he said that. Obviously she knew that! Come to think of it, why did she need to know that Potter Manor was located at the top of Stinchcombe Hill —

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