Chapter 41: Fluff About

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Author's Notes

Here's chapter 41, the first one of 2024, though much later than I initially thought it would release.

This chapter is 46.6k words long.



I wake up and slowly open my eyes. I look around to the inside of the storage room of Ryuuseido with Poppin'Party, Alisa, Iris, Lokuna-senpai, Embla, Masana, Sora-senpai, and...

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening my eyes again, confirming that there are indeed two more girls here who weren't here last night.

One has pink hair and matching fox ears and nine tails, the other has white hair and matching wolf ears and a tail. The fox girl is wearing what a magical girl would wear while the wolf girl is wearing something that gives off the impression of a baker.

"Alear did mention two of her sisters descended yesterday..." I say, remembering that piece of info, and with that, these two must be the Kitsune and Wolf Ascendants.

"Nothing ever slows down, and I wouldn't have it any other way." I say with an amused smile, knowing my life just gets crazier and crazier. I carefully stand up to not wake up any of the girls and proceed to get dressed.

After getting dressed but leaving my coat off for now, I crouch over the two new ones and gently wake them up.

"Mmmm... Five more minutes..." The kitsune groans as she pulls the blanket over her head.

"Oh... Master is awake...?" The Wolf ascendant says as her eyes slowly open, revealing them to be green, while she faces towards me with mostly closed eyes and a plain expression.

"Good morning. Do you happen to be the Wolf Ascendant?" I ask her.

"Woof..." The wolf ascendant softly barks in affirmation.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Reika." She answers as her admittedly really long wolf tail starts rubbing against me.



No! I Need To Focus!!!

I can ask about fluffing her tail later!

"You can touch my tail if you want... I know Master likes tails... It's why Iris is a wolf at a 75% rate across the multiverse... I constantly make sure her concept remains stable..." Reika tells me, making me pause and process that information.

"Iris?" I say as I glance at said wolf girl who's still fast asleep.

"As ascendants... there were girls in your history we've taken likings to... One of the divine ascendants took interest in your first wife... and constantly based many principles of her onto whom you call 'Lady'. I was enthralled by Iris... so I made her concept a constant where you would be... and Tomomo here... did the same for Alisa..." Reika states as I look at the sleepy Kitsune Ascendant known as Tomomo... I wonder... if that name has anything to do with... I'll ask later, but it would seem that Tomomo ensured my best friend exists wherever I am... either way she's smothering me with her tails now while still asleep and... has a cookie in her hand...

"I see..." I say as I process the new information I just learned. Some of the ascendants took a liking to some of the girls in my existence in the vast universes and took it upon themselves to ensure they are constant existences in the universes I exist in. Plus one of them took interest in Dear... and based Lady on principles from Dear...?

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