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"2ND PLACE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN 1ST PLACE!" Wonyoung's dad yelled, he then threw the trophy at Wonyoung's head and slapped her. Wonyoung didn't dare to look at her dad, all she could do is look down and stay silent.

"YOU'RE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT, JANG WONYOUNG. I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO GET 1ST PLACE! WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!" Wonyoung's dad yelled again as he hit Wonyoung with her trophy on every syllables he said. Tears started to flow out of Wonyoung's eyes as she felt the pain getting worse.

"A-appa... I already did my best, y-you should be proud of me. R-right?" Said Wonyoung only to receive a slap from her father. "I would if you got the 1st place, get better next time, punk." He kicked Wonyoung, hitting her head on the bookshelf and fell down.

"Why won't you be proud
of me, appa?"

Wonyoung forced herself to get up and walk upstairs, she then headed to her room and locked the door. She sat down and leaned against the door, "What are you doing with your life, Wonyoung...?" Wonyoung thought as she began to doze off.

27 November 202#

Wonyoung walked to school as usual. Suddenly, she saw Sunghoon, she wanted to walk with him. But she didn't dare to go to him. "He would probably think that I'm weird for walking with him and trying to get close..." Wonyoung thought and continued to walk.

On the other hand, Sunghoon was also thinking the same. He saw Wonyoung walking alone, she wanted the walk with Wonyoung too but he thought Wonyoung might push him away and start to avoid him. "Gosh Park Sunghoon... Don't do it..." He thought, he then entered the school and saw Wonyoung Infront of her. "So pretty..."

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"Wonyoung-ssi! How has it been with Sunghoon?" Rei asked excitedly. "Rei-ssi... We're not even a thing!" Wonyoung replied, Rei's expression went from happy to disappointment. "Awwhh... You haven't confessed yet? I'm sure you guys would be a great couple! Imagine two hot visuals being in love~" Rei teased, Wonyoung hit Rei playfully and sighs.

"Yah! You're reading too much wattpad, aren't you?" Wonyoung asked, Rei nodded and stuck her tongue out, only to receive a pinch on her cheek from Wonyoung. "Yah! That hurts!" Rei cupped her cheeks and pouted. "That's what you get for messing with Wonyoung!" Said Wonyoung, she flipped her hair and broke into laughter.

Suddenly, the lunch bell rang.
"RING!!! RING!! RING!!!" "It's lunchtime!!" Said Yujin, all of them got up from their seats and walked out of the class. But before Wonyoung could step a foot outside the class, Sunghoon walks pass her. Wonyoung couldn't help but blush and smile secretly.

"Wony-yah~ What's so funny??" Rei asked, Wonyoung turned her head to Rei and shook her head. "Nothing..." She replied, Rei and Yujin looked at each other and looked back at Wonyoung. "This must be about Sunghoon~" Said Yujin, Wonyoung got flustered and shook her head. "Yah! It's not about Sunghoon!" Wonyoung replied, but it was too obvious. "Whatever you say, Mrs.Jang~" Yujin replied.

After lunch

After lunch, the trio usually walk around the school. So that's what they did before the bell rang, boy's usually play around the school's lobby. Which is kinda annoying, but they didn't really care since they're not the one who's getting scolded by the teacher.

As they were walking, Sunghoon suddenly walks pass Wonyoung. Wonyoung's eyes immediately lit up and smiled, she then turned around to find Sunghoon staring back at her. "E-eh?! Why is he staring at me like that?!" Wonyoung thought, she immediately looked away and blushed in embarrassment.

"What's up with you,

She tried to ignore it, but something's telling her that Park Sunghoon likes her. "Aish... Jinjja?? (Really??) Just because you like him, doesn't mean he likes you back... But there's a possibility..." She thought.

"Guys, have you noticed that Sunghoon has been acting really awkward?" Wonyoung asked, Rei and Yujin looked at her and shook their heads. "No, not at all. Why?" Yujin asked, Wonyoung sighs and looks down. "Nothing." She replied and looked away.

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"Ring!! Ring!! Ring!!" The bell rang, everyone immediately packed their bags and got out of the class. Wonyoung, Yujin and Rei got out late because there are a lot of students flooding on the stairs.

After most of the students went down, the trio finally wore their bags and got out of the class. They walked pass Sunghoon and his squad but Wonyoung ignored it. Suddenly, one of his friends, Jay spoke. "Yah! Sunghoon-ssi!! It's your girlfri-" Before he could finish his sentence, Sunghoon immediately covered Jay's mouth and started to hit him.

You might be wondering... How did Jay know about Sunghoon's feelings for Wonyoung?


during lunch

Sunghoon and his friends were walking around the school, his thoughts was full of Wonyoung.

"Jang Wonyoung."
"Jang Wonyoung."
"Jang Wonyoung" x100

Sunghoon's cheeks started to heat up and tinted red as he thought more about Wonyoung, imagining himself and Wonyoung in a field full of flowers and holding hands? He would love that.

Suddenly, Jake noticed that Sunghoon was smiling alone. "Yah! What's so funny?" Jake asked, Sunghoon turned his head to Jake and shook his head. "Nothing..." He replied. "Are you sure?? Your cheeks are red." Jay raised and eyebrow, Sunghoon cupped his cheeks and looks away in embarrassment. "M-my cheeks are just... Sensitive." Said Sunghoon. "We've been friends since childhood and I know damn well that your cheeks are not sensitive." Jay replied. "Okay fine, I'll tell you!" Said Sunghoon.

"I think... I have a crush..." Sunghoon said slowly, making his friend's eye widen in shock. "Oh my gosh! Who is it? I haven't heard about you having a crush since last year bro!" Said Heeseung. Sunghoon hesitates for a moment and takes a deep breath.
"I think I like... Jang Wonyoung from 6K." Said Sunghoon. "Jang Wonyoung.... Oohh!! The singer?
I know her!" Jake replied, Sunghoon smiled and nodded.


Wonyoung's eyes widen and she turned to Jay, only to find Sunghoon closing his mouth. Wonyoung thought it was weird but she continued to walk.
"That's weird..." She thought.

As she was walking home, she heard someone calling her. "Yah! Jang Wonyoung!" a boy yelled, Wonyoung turned around to see Heeseung running to her. "Heeseung-ssi? What's up?" Wonyoung asked, Heeseung stopped in front of her, panting. Wonyoung looked at him, confused. But Heeseung began to speak. "Ahh.. Wony-ssi, I want to ask, are you in a relationship right now?" Heeseung asked. Wonyoung made a confused expression and shook her head. "N-no? Why are you asking?" She asked, instead of saying the reason, Heeseung thanked her and ran away.

"What's up with

to be

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