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22nd November 202#

"School is so boring..." Said Wonyoung as she put her head on the table, her friends comforted her as patted her back.

"At least you're smart, you should be grateful since the teachers love you." Said Yujin, Rei nodded but Wonyoung scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever..."

Wonyoung hates School.

"By the way... Are you auditioning for the singing competition after lunch, Wony?" Rei asked, Wonyoung looked at her. Confused.

"What singing competition?" She asked, Rei palmed her head and sighs. "You must haven't heard the announcement earlier, didn't you?" She asked.


"Good morning students, the school will be hosting a singing competition for all of the students who are interested. If you're interested, you can meet me in my office to audition or a student will call you."


"Of course she didn't, all she did was chit chat with Miyeon and laughed out loud as if she just got her voice back after failing to do high notes." Said Yujin.

Wonyoung is offended.

"What if I did? At least I'm trying my best!" She rolled her eyes. "But yes, I'm going to audition soon." Said Wonyoung.

"And have you heard that Park Sunghoon from class 6J was interested in the competition? I bet you're going to fall in love with him~" Said Yujin, Wonyoung hits her shoulder and rolls her eyes.

"I'm not really interested in love at the moment, what if I'm still going to be played? Love is stupid, it's always a good start and a bad ending." Said Wonyoung.

"I agree, but sometimes you just have to find someone. Get it? You can't just sit alone, looking like a loser while we're hanging out with our boyfriend's." Said Rei. "WE.HATE.LOSERS."

Wonyoung scoffed and rolled her eyes, "whatever, at least it's better than being heartbroken!" she said. Yujin agreed and nodded her head.

"It's true, but you can't just be alone. Even if you have us, you still need to experience love. There are a lot of boys that are interested with you. You should try talking to them!" Said Yujin, Wonyoung shook her head and sighs.

"I'd rather have male friends than boyfriend's." She said. "Okay girlie... You do you, I guess." Said Rei.

Wonyoung's old relationship

I used to have a crush on a boy named Shen Quan Rui, also known as Ricky, he also had a crush on me. We fell in love with each other and started hanging out.

"I promise, I will stay with you forever. Until I die." Said Ricky, Wonyoung blushed and smiled at him.

Wonyoung would do everything for Ricky.

She would buy expensive gifts for him, make a paper flower bouquet etc. Even if Ricky told her to kill herself, she would do that.

As days went by, Wonyoung noticed that Ricky had became more quiet around Wonyoung and talked to other girls instead, Ricky would also insult Wonyoung saying she's too skinny or she's a try hard.

Wonyoung didn't care at first, but it was starting to get worse. Ricky has been ignoring Wonyoung and has been talking to other girls instead, he would always touch their hand and smiling at them. Making Wonyoung FURIOUS.

Wonyoung tried to confront Ricky, but all he said was "we are just friends" or "we're just close to each other."

She knew it was a lie, but how could Wonyoung tell that to him? She was obsessed with him, she didn't want to leave him. But that day, she felt like she had too.

"Ricky-ssi, we have to break up. I know what you've been doing with other girls, all you do is pay attention to them and not me. At this point you shouldn't be in love with me, Shen Quan rui (Ricky's real name). You should treat me as a girlfriend, not a toy. I'm not trying to be a doll for you to play with, Ricky. I did not agree to be your girlfriend for you to play with my feelings, all I wanted was love and care. I FUCKING LOVED YOU, RICKY. But not anymore."

Ricky's faces went from a playful grin to disappointment. "Jang Wonyoung, please don't do this to me. You know I love you, right? Please don't leave me, what will I do without you?" Said Ricky.

"You should've thought about that first, I'm sorry Ricky. But we're done." Said Wonyoung, Ricky became furious and slapped her on the cheek and kicked her. Making Wonyoung fall down to the ground, her cheek was bruised and tears starts to flow down her cheeks.

Ricky smirked in satisfaction and grabbed Wonyoung by her neck, making Wonyoung choke and couldn't breathe. "R-ricky, p-please stop-" "Save it Wonyoung, you made a big mistake."

Ricky let go of Wonyoung and pushed her, he then starts punching her in the face and stepped on her stomach. Wonyoung groaned in pain and cried.

"What did I do to deserve this, god?" She thought to herself, her body is still suffering from Ricky's actions.

Ricky kicked her for one last time and stepped on her stomach, but this time with more pressure. Making Wonyoung groan and cried in pain.

"You have no right to break up with me, I'm a man, I must control our relationship. You can't leave me like that, Jang Wonyo-" "Save it." Wonyoung cut his words, Ricky looked at her and gulped.

"Just because you're a man, it doesn't mean you can control our relationship or my feelings, Ricky. I do what I want and you can't stop me, you fooled me and my feelings. YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE A FOOL, SHEN QUAN RUI." Said Wonyoung, Ricky's eyes widen in shock and scoffs.

"Whatever, I've never loved you anyway." Said Ricky as he walked away. Wonyoung stood there, frozen. She didn't know how to react.

"Gosh, Wonyoung. You're such a fool."
"Why did you believe that he'll love you forever?"
"You're so stupid, Jang Wonyoung."

Negative words filled her head, she felt like her heart just sank deep into the bottom of the ocean.

⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾

"I'm a little worried that there's
a chance you might come back."
- Just a feeling by S.E.S

I'm sorry if Ricky is too abusive here :(

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