lute attacked dazzle and vaggie. She stabbed dazzle and they all fell inside the hotel

Charlie was about to follow vaggie but Adam got in the way "surprise Bitch!" Adam hit Charlie in the face

"Charlie!" I shouted and used my forcefield to shield her before she can hit the wall

I immediately teleported to the rooftop and helped her to stand up "risking your immortal life for sinners? that's some crazy shit even for Lucifer's brat" We heard Adam spoke in front of us

"these sinners are my family" Charlie responded to Adam

"these sinners are my family" Adam mocked Charlie "do you even hear yourself?" Charlie and I glared at him

"You should've stayed in your place girlie-" Adam got interrupted by Charlie as she stabbed him with her Trident and threw him to the wall "that's princess of hell to you pig"

"The fuck that hurt" Adam shouted while touching his arm. We glared at him as he laughed and attack us

He punched Charlie as she fell to the ground while groaning in pain "Charlie!" He tried to attack me but I teleported behind him and blasted a huge amount of my power to him

"fuck" he shouted as I immediately teleported beside Charlie and grabbed her hand

As long as I'm here I'll protect her even if it cost my life you fucking pig I won't let you hurt my niece again Adam.

Adam growled and attacked me as I pushed Charlie aside not wanting her to get hurt

Adam slapped me causing me to hit the wall

I immediately teleported away from him leading him away from Charlie

Come and get me motherfucker

He grabbed my hand and threw me at the ground. I groan in pain as I let out my tails and grabbed Adam by one of my tails squeezing his body before throwing him to the window

He flew towards me and tried to punch me but I avoided it and punched him in the face. He backed away while blood came out from his nose "damn you fucking Bitch! You're just a sinner I'm supposed to be stronger than you!" He shouted and attacked me again

There's a lot of things you don't know about me Adam

I teleported behind him and banged his head at the wall

He groaned in pain "fuck" in a blink of an eye he suddenly grabbed my neck choking me

I saw Charlie trying to run towards us but I stopped her "Charlie no! Stay there" I shouted as I struggled to remove Adam's hand from my neck

"This fight is cute doll but it's time to die" he smirked

I can't breathe fuck-

I heard Adam laughed but got cut off as someone punched him in the face. He flew to the window causing me to almost hit the floor

I closed my eyes preparing to hit the ground but felt someone arms caught me

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Lucifer. He looked at me and smiled "sorry if I'm late violet" he slowly put me down and patted my head

"Took you long enough" I chuckled as we suddenly saw Adam "okay seriously how many of you freaks do I have to fight!?" Adam slowly stand up as Lucifer went closer to him "oh I'm the only one that matters" Charlie and I looked at each other knowing shit is about to go down "see you messed with my daughter and my first wife" I looked at him in confusion

Lilith isn't here though? "And now I'm going to fuck you!" Lucifer said confidently as we all looked at him with bewildered faces

"It's fuck you up..... dad" Charlie whispered to him "wait what did I say?" Lucifer said as Adam attacked him

They fought at the sky "so this is what you've been up to since eden? Gotta say you really let yourself go buddy" Lucifer said

"You judging me? You're the most hated being in all of creation" Adam snapped at Lucifer "well your first wife didn't seem to hate what I have to offer" he smirked "or the second one.... Bow chicka bow bow" Lucifer thrusted his hips into the air as Adam groan in annoyance

I facepalm. he's really trying to piss him off

Adam blasted his power towards Lucifer but he avoided it as the hotel got hit by the blast causing the hotel to fall apart. Charlie and I fell down

"Charlie!" I shouted and teleported next to her as I was about to use my forcefield for our protection someone suddenly grabbed my waist

Charlie and I opened our eyes and saw Lucifer holding us by the waist "got ya" we smiled at him but noticed Adam trying to attack him

"Dad look out!" Charlie shouted at Lucifer as she used her hand to stop Adam's fist before he could even hit lucifer "woah wait what the fuck!?" Adam looked at Charlie in disbelief as Lucifer threw Adam to the ground and a loud thud could be heard

Lucifer looked furious "you come at me, my first wife and my daughter don't forget you're in my house bitch!" Lucifer said with venom in his voice

Who is he talking about?

He put us down and came towards Adam punching him repeatedly in the face

Lucifer laughed like a fucking maniac and was about to blast his power to Adam but Charlie stopped him "woah woah dad he's had enough" Lucifer looked at Adam and saw his face filled with bruises

"Oh right. how's mercy taste you little bitch!?" He followed Charlie and put his hand on my waist

"No you don't get to end this!" Adam suddenly spoke as we turned around looking at him with uninterested faces

"I'm fucking adam, I'm the man and you're just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on earth all of man kind came from these fucking nuts" he said "you all should be worshipping me you ungrateful disgusting fucking losers-" Adam groaned in pain as we saw a knife poking out at his stomach

He fell flat to his face as we all saw niffty "niffty" Charlie said as niffty stabbed Adam over and over again

I smiled proudly at niffty as she laughed while stabbing Adam

"NOOO" we heard lute shouted and tried to wake Adam up "sir, sir stay with me sir" Adam smiled weakly at her one last time before he died "ADAM!"

"it's over" Charlie said "take your little friends and GO HOME!" Lucifer shouted "please" he smiled

"Retreat, all excorcist fall back" lute shouted as all of the angels went back to heaven

"So who's up for pancakes?" Lucifer asked as niffty raised her hand

Time skip

We built the hotel again but it's more beautiful now

I stared at it while smiling happily but then I remembered my situation. It's not over for me yet.......

Lucifer put his arm around my shoulder and smiled at me

I smiled and think about what he said earlier who is he referring to? Lilith is not even here.......

The Wife of the Radio demon Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon