chapter 27

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"who walks out after that? 'I'll see you later' really? he sounds like an asshole" Gwen spoke as we walked to lunch.

finn and robin had to stay behind in math because we all wouldn't stop laughing but i got let off, which i knew i was going to hear about from them later.

"yeah i know" i scoffed as we stepped in the lunch line.

"like, he shows up to you're house drunk, calls you cute, sleeps in you're bed then leaves like that?! you should just ghost him. i heard that bruce yamada likes you"

gwen said as she sat her tray on a table. i threw my chip bag down and sat my water down as well. sitting down in front of her.

"i know! fucking cunt. and who is bruce yamada?" i asked opening my water.

"he's the star batter on the other baseball team. there's a game in 2 days after school. sure you can see him there." she said taking a bit of her sandwich.

"i don't think Finn would like if i dated his baseball enemy" i said opening my chips.

"who cares what Finn likes?" she said.


we looked up and Finn and robin stood beside the table.

Gwen nervously chuckled and smiled at Finn.

he laughed and sat down beside her and robin sat beside me.

"what were you two taking about?" finn asked.

"you're game"

"are you going to be there y/n?"  finn asked.

i smiled at him "wouldn't miss it"

"so, what did the teacher say?" i asked.

they both huffed, "we both got after school detention." robin rolled his eyes.


i sat in Spanish beside robin and i figured out i had this class with vance to.

how? because he was sat beside me and kept sliding notes on my desk which i would slide back.

"just read the damn note" he whispered to me.

"fuck off" i said sliding it back to him.

he huffed and crossed his arms looking like he was in deep thought for a minute until he picked the note up, slamming it on my desk.

i flinched and the class went quiet.

"mister hopper and miss Salvatore. anything you'd like to share with the class?" mister Ames said from the front of the class room.

"if i did i would say it." vance said.

mister Ames sighed. "detention. both of you after school." he said.

i glared at vance and looked over at robin.

he was also glaring at vance.

"i'm gonna kick his ass" he whispered to me.

"as much as i would love to see that, please don't. because now, at least you and Finn won't be alone in detention" i said, trying to cheer him up.

he smiled at me.

"thanks, y/n."

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