chapter 26

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I woke up with no blanket.

Thoroughly annoyed, I groaned and turned over to grab my blanket back; completely forgetting someone else was in my bed.

I yanked my blanket angrily which unrolled vance from his cocoon and dropped him on the floor.

"Fucking SHIT!" He hollered while rubbing his injured head.

"Oops." I mumbled wrapping myself back up in the warm blanket.

He stood up and crossed his arms to stare at me.

I opened one eye to peak up at him.

"Aspirin is on my desk." i mumbled.
"I can handle my alcohol thanks." He muttered annoyed.

"Yes of course. 'You are so cute!'" I mocked him in a high pitch voice while grabbing my own cheek to give him a visual on his own behavior.

His mouth hung open slightly and he looked absolutely mortified with himself.

"Whatever I have to go" He growled as his demeanor immediately changed.

I sat up fully. "Are you mad?"

he didn't answer.

"What the fuck. are you mad or not? Literally what is your problem? Sometimes, you act so happy to see me like you actually enjoy my company and then you act like a complete dick when you accidentally show any emotion like what is your fucking deal? do you want to be around me or not?"

As I yelled at him we made unwavering eye contact as he hopped into his jeans.

wait- when did he take those off?!

He slipped on his boots and grabbed his jacket off my chair as he began walking towards me.

His arm came up as his hand quickly ran through my hair causing my hair tie to fall out.

He pulled my head forward and placed a quick kiss on my forehead and grabbed my hair tie from now lying beside me.

"I'll see you later." Was all he said as he walked out of my room.

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