Lord Of The Tides

319 9 0

131 AC, High Garden

No one POV

Alyssa was getting ready to walk down and Daemon walked up and said "This is a good thing."

Alyssa said "I'm well aware. William seems kind from what I heard" and Daemon said "Your mother would never settle for anything less for you."

Alyssa said "But the Tyrells why would they accept this, they're loyal to the Greens."

Daemon said "The Tyrells are desperate, the Lord of Highgarden is sickly, and he needs an heir, your young and can give him many children. And in doing so , it would help your mother's cause quite a bit, especially if you give him a son."

Alyssa said "No pressure. Alright, let's do this."

They walked down and Daemon lead her down the aisle and she looked at William and gave him a smile.

Alyssa said "He's very handsome" and Daemon said "He is."

Alyssa walked up to William and Rhaenrya smiled at them and Daemon stood next to Rhaenrnya and Daemon said "Otto Hightower must be going out of his mind, they might look happy, but they must feel it now."

The High Septon continued with the ceremony and Daemon said "They though they had the Reach, and now it's been taken from them."

The High Septon said "We are united here to bring together Princess Alyssa of House Velaryon and House Targaryen  and Lord William of House Tyrell. You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."

William put the cloak of House Tyrell on Alyssa.

The High Septon said "Look at one another and say the words."

Alyssa and William held hands and William said "I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."

Alyssa said "I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days."

The High Septon said "We affirm now that Princess Aemma of House Velaryon and House Targaryen and William of House Tyrell are now one heart, one soul, now and forever. May he be damned who would seek to tear them aslaunder."

Aemond looked at Alyssa.

William said "With this kiss, I pledge my love."

William and Alyssa kissed.

At the Wedding Feast

Alyssa was sitting next to William and they both smiled and William said "Um, I know we haven't seen each other much or know each other much, but I promise to be a husband who's worthy of your name."

Alyssa looked at him and smiled and Alyssa said "I think the same of you" and William said "I um I love berries and riding, it's one of my favourite things, I think if we are to be married, we should try to know each other."

Alyssa said "That is a good point, I love flying on Silverwing" and William said "I assumed that, I always saw it as a brave act, it looks terrifying."

Alyssa said "Believe me , that first time it is, I was terrified I was going to fly off, I don't think I've hanged on to something more tighter. But then once you get past that, it's freeing, all you see are the clouds and the sky, and it helps you think."

William said "That's how I feel about riding" and Alyssa said "Look at us, we found out something we have in common at the wedding feast."

William said "Perhaps we are a perfect match" and Alyssa smiled and William said "I've never been interested much in sparring, It is important but I've always liked reading and riding."

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